Monday, April 30, 2012

Jake Barnett Genius

This guy Jake Barnett is amazing. I think his previous life is a professor of some sort.
He taught himself braille when he was 1 year old!!

This has to be karma based.
Cannot be anything else.

Who says there's no results from past lives, or that there is no such thing as reincarnation?

This boy is the full proof that there is reincarnation!
I saw this video maybe about a month ago. In the beginning was boring and long.. but once the seminar started, I got really surprised as the Grandma's life was being transformed from something that even she did not realise that before. Anthony Robbins is amazing! There, his sensitivity towards a person's source of problems was so strong, he immediately identified with the woman's problems 5 minutes into contact with her.

You have to watch it! And discover for yourself to be aware of your own character.
Its an amazing journey for her. And for me, as I watch it.

So strong and powerful.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Here are my money generating goals: 

1) Do an app.
2) Achieve $500 per month passive income by 31st December 2012.
3) A wonderful m...
4) Publish an ebook.
5) Invent a good solar energy device.
6) Do a fantastic reel.
7) Learn Korean language.

There. Now I have put it on web. 
I better achieve it. Hehe..
Yesterday I went to a short 1 day workshop call Value Investing Foundation. It teaches PE values, etc, how to read financial sheets. I almost signed up for its actual course that teaches you to calculate the intrinsic value of the company itself. Well, the amount of money is quite heart-pain, so I can't bear to part with it... yet.

But eventually I know I will have to take this course. Unless, I can learn it from books.
Maybe I should spend more time in finding out whether I can learn from elsewhere intrinsic value of a stock rather then just sign up immediately. Transpac... doesnt seem like such a good buy after all.

But how can I achieve my goal of $500 per month passive income if I don't put it in Transpac?
Should I sell, half, all? Or put in First Reits? Which is the way where I can reach my goal by end of this year 31st Dec 2012?
Everyone has an interesting life and things that they learn along their life journey.
I'm sharing mine so that we can all learn from one another's mistakes and awareness. :)