Saturday, November 23, 2013

Emptiness and concepts

Everything is essentially empty.. Except for the concepts we have in our mind which was formed when events happened. If we realize that everything is essentially empty, then there is actually no right and wrong. With no holding of perceptions of right and wrong; armed with compassion, one can gracefully steer through samara with merits to his name. :)

Friday, November 22, 2013

It's there so that we can

As I was reading Bhagavad Gita, abt the song as a soul, fighting to release form maya (delusion) suddenly I had the thought that every lesson comes in our life to train us to be liberated. Even including maya. For without maya (delusion) we would not have the chance to learn to grow spiritually. Thus, in all hardships or sufferings it may seem, it's only because we needed it. Like how a lustful person has the karma of going into hell and suffer for his deeds, it's because his energy/mind needed this. It's to cleanse and purify his true nature. Without which, he would continue and would not have to chance to leave the lustful trait, which is not his true nature. So from a high point of view if it's not for cleansing our true nature and our attachments, the events would not manifest. 

Saturday, November 09, 2013

Wealthiest person in the world

Couple of days ago, I wrote a post on my Facebook, inspired by a colleague that was constantly complaining to me all the time. 

I tried it just now. I closed my eyes, quiet my heart and mind down, and begin to count all the things that I still have with me.. 

My family..
My husband that dotes on me..
My house.. The sofa that I'm sitting so comfortably on..
My healthy body..
My parents still alive..
I still have a job..
I'm still alive..
The world is still going on.. 

Then suddenly I realized that I have all the conditions to be happy right now. I have no reason to be unhappy at anything. And anything that was irritating me before, now seems like a trival thing.

Suddenly I felt like I'm the wealthiest person in the world. I don't need a million dollars in my bank to feel like a million bucks. :)))

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

The mind knows no boundaries

The mind knows no boundaries. It's physical body has it's limitations. The mind travels back in time and to the future many times a day. It's only the physical body that cannot follow it. So sometimes if the mind is weak (which most of us are) we tend to be limited by the limitations of our physical body, forgetting that the mind is free and has no boundaries.