I'm using this concoction to try to see if the irritating wart on my right last finger can be treated.
8th Feb I started to put the oils on.
I started taking Inner Defence
1st day - 2 capsules
2nd day - 7 capsules
3rd day - 7 capsules
4th day - 7 capsules
Immune oil on spine and soles
5th day - 5 capsules
6th day - 5 capsules and immune power on spine and soles
7th day - 5 inner Defence caps and immune power on spine and sole and thieves capsules
Sorry I have been mia for a while. While testing my wart with Apple cider vinegar (with a cotton wool taped w bandaid whole night and possibly whole day long) , I found my wart, along with my skin that is surround it to swell and with small little bubbles around the entire swollen area. No wonder most of the testimonies I researched talked about protecting the healthy skin beside the wart. While it began to throb, like what the testimonies had said it would, I had a wound on the underside of my pinkie, due to the tape of the bandaid, constant taping and taking out of bandaid. I noticed the fabric bandaid if it's wet, it's very hard to tear off, and I could have tore it off in a rough way that hurt my pinkie. Sigh new wound means possibility of getting infected with paint her wart since it's so near. In the end, really blisters start coming out at the wound area, until now I'm not so sure if it's a wart or it's just swollen due to acv.
About a couple days into the acv testing, I read a couple of testimonies that talked about using Young Living oregano oil. And one mother said that she dropped one drop of oregano onto her 2 year old daughter plantar warts which covered the whole foot and they just faded until there was nothing in 3-5 weeks time. I should have done this way instead. So much easier than battling w the pain and possible infection from acv.
So I discontinued with acv and started my lavender and bandaid again for a day. This time round I am careful when peeling off bandaid and I put a small tissue where my wound is so the tape won't touch the area and stick to it. Then when my skin is not so painful, I used oregano for 1-2 days. Both lavender and oregano I dropped around 2-3 times a day in my bandaid and wound and I try to keep my bandaid as clean and dry as possible. But oregano starts to hurt too. And the 2nd day I dropped thieves in too. The 3rd day I noticed it started to turn darker. I think it might have been due to thieves as before I was using oregano, acv or lavender it did not turn dark at all. But once I drop 1 drop of thieves in the next day it was considerably darker. Now my wart is beginning to dry, but the skin around is already in blisters and infected possibly. I now put lavender solely on my wound around 2-3 times a day and keep my wound dry and clean. Hopefully it can heal soon and no more infection of warts. Will keep you guys posted on results.

I have already stopped using acv or oregano for a few weeks already as my skin is badly blistered. I put lavender and helichrysum whenever I can (around 3-4 drops a day) to the area and let it kinda dry before wrapping a tissue around it with some tape. I somehow have developed an allergy to bandaid and my skin was blistering (and Super itchy)! At the sticky part of handsaplast. Thus switched to tissue instead. Whenever it's wet I would just replace it with a new clean piece of tissue. It's been 2 weeks and my skin is healing very well with helichrysum. When I was putting lavender it healed but din heal as fast as helichrysum. U can see the effects of Helichrysum really fast. If I apply the night before sleep without any bandaid, the morning I would already see some healing had happened.

I continued to use helichrysum in the morning and after bath(2 times a day), and before sleep at night. It's healing process is amazing and really fast. It heals just like x10 if I use helichrysum. Lavender is good but helichrysum is like x10 effect. Now I only use lavender eo in the morning and helichrysum at night before sleep as my wound is really healing very well. As usual, I would change my bandage (just tissue and scotch tape around the tissue so it doesn't irritate my skin by having some tape over it) as soon as I can when it gets wet. I keep it as dry as much as I can and I believe this helps.

For now I think my wart has disappeared but I'm not so sure yet. Will update again in a months time (that's when it usually will appear and grow it's ugly head again).
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