Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Got my Black Mushrooms today after 9 runs of Cathedral Level 1 (2 hrs) ! :D

E = Mc2

Sorry for not having come in and updating this blog for sometime. Diablo 3 just came out on 15th May, and I kinda stopped all activities to fully concentrate on this game. Brings back nostalgic feelings as I played D2 extensively. Hehe. Now that I'm level 60, can relak abit. Lol.

I chanced upon a video about Einstein today. And it talks about his life and his most famous equation : E = Mc2. Now I've heard about this equation a zillion times and never knew what it really meant. But today I finally know, E = Energy, M = mass/matter and C2 = Speed of light x speed of light.

Its so intriguing, as in the video, it talked of Einstein, who, was one day sitting in a train, and wondered what it would be like, if the train he that was sitting on, was traveling at the speed of light. In his vision, to his amazement, on an old famous clock that he was passing by, the hands stood still. It means, that, at the speed of light, time stood still. This is so interesting! Because I remember that I read or heard somewhere, that if you travel faster than the speed of light, time actually goes backwards. This goes to show that space is relative to time.

More interestingly, in Buddha's context, space and time is bendable. They are illusions, and in actual fact, they actually do not exist. He talks about dimensions, and that different dimensions have different time zones. For example, in Hell realm, 1 day, is around human life time. Probably around 70 - 80 years of earth's time. But for the heavens, half a year, is around human time, centuries.

Linking all these up, I suddenly realized that Napoleon Hill's words of vibration of thought was referring to all these! Vibration of thought, actually is also energy. And different vibrations of thought/energy would have produced different images of matter, matter here being constant, but the images varies. And this, in return, created different dimensions as mentioned by the Buddha. If I am not wrong, many scientists have already found out that on earth, there are actually 4 -5 dimensions occurring at the same time. For example, in one of the scriptures, it was written that, we, would see water as liquid, gaseous air and ice. Deity/ Bodhisattva/ Buddha, would on the other hand, see it as crystal. As they say, that the heavens are clad in precious jewels and stones. Ghosts and spirits actually see water as blood. It apparently applies to tastes as well. Now I am beginning to understand why this is so.

Everything that is on earth, is energy and matter (as quoted by Napoleon Hill). Vibrations of thought are essentially energy. E = Mc2.

Means Energy = Matter x Speed of light x speed of light.

If vibrations of thought are energy, and what we see, need light to translate into our eyes in order for our minds to register the picture, then, Matter, which is picture in this sense, would variate, according to the level or type of energy in the vibration of thought, assuming that the speed of light is constant. So if this theory is proven right, then it would only be logical that different people with different vibrations of thought, would have visions that varies from one to another.

Actually this equation can be best seen in Solar Panels. Solar is light, and solar panels transforms light into energy. E = Mc2. We have Energy and C (which is speed of light) in solar panels. As I mention earlier, if C is constant, then E and M will be variant. (And actually M, matter, will be really small in volume.) Since time and space is relative to energy ( E = Mc2 there is energy and speed of light in the equation), and solar energy is mainly transforming light and heat into energy, I would assume that if light can transform into energy, it is actually capturing kinetic energy. And not just light. Because photons (light particles) travels in the speed of light to the solar panel, and the panel captures, not just the particles, but actually, the energy in the speed of light itself, which is kinetic, and transform it into energy stored for later use. If speed of light can be captured, or rode upon, then, as Einstein envisioned, Time can be stopped, slowed down, and even go backwards. So if time can go backwards, then space can be bent as well, since Time and Space are relatives. If Time stops, then Space would change too. So is it possible that a Time Machine lies in the mechanics of Solar Panel? If our mind clear to its purest form, where it returns itself into pure form of energy, would we be able to travel 'faster' then the speed of light, and discover our past lives like many people who do in Vipassana Meditation? Notice that I hypen the word 'faster' as I do not know the relative term for light used here.
All these are just my thoughts and I want to document it down before its gone. Its funny but I'm getting all sorts of 'hunches' nowadays. Its like my mind is opened, and all sorts of information comes in. The world is getting more and more interesting. : D

Interesting footnote: C, which is speed of light, is a huge number. C2, which is Csquared is a even bigger number. Imagine that C2 in E=Mc2 is such a huge number. Can you see how small M (matter) is?
They say that if the Empire Building in New York is being teared down, and the spaces between the atoms are taken out so that only the actual matter remains, it would not be bigger than a grain of rice in the hand!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Connection in growing up environment + a person's mind

Today I just posted this in Facebook:

"A person's growing up environment, will greatly, greatly, shape his/her mentality, subconscious beliefs and outlook in life. Any negative traits will have to be changed through constant awareness (outside and inside) and understanding of oneself, and great effort to transform the genetic beliefs that are deeply rooted in one's subconscious mind."

Today I have this sudden awareness, or realization, that a person's growing up environment, actually shapes the entire person's thinking and mindset, values, and whatever that is important in life.

My colleagues had a small difference of opinions during lunch today. One of them say that being financially able to support the entire family every weekend to have good meals in restaurants, and financially free, is one trait of being successful. But the other colleague didn't agree with him. He says that eating good meals and being rich, is not a way to state whether one is successful at all. They were at odds with one another.

While the one that feels richness is a successful trait is confused about why the other person wouldn't think so too, I casually mentioned that the other guy, come from a rather wealthy Indonesian family. He probably sees and knows dozens of rich friends, who maybe are lazy, but are rich. And naturally, he would not think that they are successful. And eating at restaurants and paying for whole family of 6, is already a common sight and a must-do to him, that he hardly consider this anything at all. 

When I said this, my colleague suddenly realized that the other guy, has a very different growing up environment, and thus thinking is obviously shaped in a different way then his. He suddenly saw that, to the other guy, because being rich is already a pre-requisite, he wouldn't consider that as anything special.

Interestingly, as he said this, I also come to another realization.

This colleague of mine, when he was young, his parents was not rich, scraping by, but definitely not rich. At a young age, he promised himself that he would earn lots of money to break this chain of poverty in his family. His whole life, he desires for wealth creation.

Whereas the other colleague, whom said richness is not a successful trait, leaves his wealthy family to work on a regular pay in Singapore, working very hard on this art and achieving quite some recognition on his artwork as an artist. His whole life is devoted to being a great artist.

We can see that each up growing environment, has greatly shaped, in fact, has shaped, almost 80% or more, one's thinking in life. Their goals has been shaped while they were young, perhaps even before they reach 10 years old. It's no wonder that they always say, that we all have our destinies planned out already before we were born.

So are we shaped for life the moment we are born?

With great awareness, one can sees this, and change at will, to whichever trait that comes from genetic sources. But there are a few conditions that I can think of right off the tip of my fingers:

1) one must be aware of oneself (thinking and actions)
2) one must be aware of the right and good principles
3) one must be impartial and open-minded to all circumstances
4) but in order to be open-minded yet upright and strong, one has to have strong basic foundations (values) as a person
5) constant coaching from enlightened beings to be opened-minded to outside factors which let one compare to inner values

Here's a case to further emphasis on this statement that I posted in facebook:

I have a friend and we got know a couple together. And she would tell me, that the guy, was ill-treating the girl in the relationship in our meetings with them. And I wondered why she said that, or that I would think she probably is a tad too sensitive, and over reacting to it as I don't feel so much to such an extent of ill-treating. Later did I realized the reason, when she told me, that before her dad married her mom, his dad actually liked another lady, but because of arranged marriages, they got married. And her whole life, she saw how her dad ill-treated her mom, that she begin to distrust men in general. She even prefer ladies to men in relationships. This subconscious belief is so deeply rooted into her subconscious mind that she has somehow, shaped her whole life to these exact conditions she saw when she was growing up.

This I believe, is a very powerful awareness. If one can have the mindfulness to be aware of one's resulted actions in life, and really sees it, one can change his/her destiny. With great effort, one can most certainly turn one's life around into the most fulfilling way to his/her own values in life.

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

My Lesson Today

My lesson today is about time accumulation.

Jim Rohn said before, that if you think that by drinking an unhealthy drink today, does not make you sick, don't be sure that years later, it will be the same.

Time accumulation.

This is so powerful. Just like my dividends, time accumulation on anything is powerful and intense. Even things that are negative, are intense.

There is this guy, when I first met him, he was young at 19 years old. I was 16 years old. I caught him lying when I saw him at snooker area, when he was suppose to be at home. We broke up after that.

8 years later, I begin meeting him again, and eventually got back together. But during the 1 1/2 years together, I was constantly being lied to. Numerous times. Til I can't remember how many times. We broke up again after that.

3 years later, somehow, we once again got back together. Silly me, how can I make the same mistake 3 times?!

The 3rd time round, I learnt something from him. The first time we broke up, when he lied, he was beginning to learn how to lie, and he didn't really know how to say sorry then.

8 years later when we got together again, he learnt to lie so well, and so often, that everything he felt he didn't want to do, or want to do but did not want me to find out, he lied about it. He never had to learn to be a better person, simply because he didn't have to. He didn't take up the responsibility for the actions that he did. So he never had to learn.

Then 3 years later, now, lying is forming his character. He has already forgotten, and has gotten to the stage of even refusal to learn how to be a better person. He is the same as 11 years ago, his mind did not improve, nor did his integrity, and his morals. He learnt to say sorry and look apologetic, but once you forgave him, he continued again. He lies about everything. You name it, he has lied about.

And I realized that every time when a person lies to cover up his mistakes, he gave up a chance to learn to be a better person. Because he didn't need to. After a year, he formed a habit of covering up whatever he did wrong by lying and never once had to try to become better. After 16 years, he never want to become a better person anymore. "What's the point? I can always lie about it. Its so much easier!"

But the thing is, this kind of behavior can never be kept for too long. It always catches up with you. Always.
Time, will always show your true character.

Saturday, May 05, 2012

"What you have at the moment, you attracted by the person you become."

"What you have at the moment, you attracted by the person you become."

Recently I heard this sentence in Jim Rohn's video. And I felt deeply for this sentence.

A few months ago, I had a sort of a spiritual experience. Its not like ghost or any of that sort.
But more like a realization.

I had this friend, who is supposedly my best friend. For a long time I don't really like hanging out with her, because I felt I was constantly being taken granted by her. And after 18 years, I decided that enough is enough. While trying to distance from her, I was dealing with the guilt of not being beside her as her friend as well. Even though I knew that she was poison friend to me, I kept her as a friend for the longest time, and even, "best friend" at that. 

It takes 2 hands to clap. I was a weak person, always being bullied. While my friend was a bully. She is demanding, and often takes things for granted. I later on realized that this is the reason why we attracted each other. Even though consciously, I know that I want good friends that are sincere, but subconsciously, because of my character, I was attracting bullies to come into my life, and as for her, as her character is like that, she was attracted to me. So our character inside us is always looking around for people in our life to be attracted to.

And even deeper then that, there is another reason.

Through a video I saw of Anthony Robbins, I realized that I had a deep subconscious belief. The only reason that I kept her so long as a friend was because I did not know how to love myself! Seriously, when I think about it, there could be no other reason, because otherwise, why else would you keep someone who, constantly brings you down so they can be high up, close to you? It doesn't even make sense at all. 

And I realized that, my deep subconscious belief is because of what happened in my early childhood. When very young at about less then 1 year old to 4 years old, I was taken care of by another relative, and I was really badly neglected. Most kids at 0 ~ 4 years old get the most attention from their parents, which enable them to have this deep inner sense of self-cherishing attitude. But the lack of that during those years, had made me somewhat different even without me realizing it.

And I also came to realized that early childhood is so important. I didn't even realized that subconsciously I was not loving myself. But now that I came to be aware of this, so many things start to make sense. I chose, or rather let people who don't know how to love me to stay by my side. Even though I was unhappy and I try to break away, but eventually I was always led back by their sweet words or my own guilt of running away.

So, next time if your conscious being and your reality events does not align up, look deep into your self. There could be some subconscious self beliefs that is blocking the way, even without you realizing it.

For me, the moment I realized that I had this belief, of not cherishing myself, instantaneously the attraction between me and my friend faltered. I was no longer attracted to her. I broke the bond, because now I am aware of my own negative self belief.

It was an enlightening experience. I learnt more about myself than about anybody else for once. Because of what had formed during my childhood, I, too, had neglected myself too much and for too long.

Mindfulness of oneself and own thoughts and emotions are really amazing. I'm a Buddhist, and mindfulness has helped me to realized this part of myself. Now I understand why Buddha meditates so much and advocate this as a good method to enlightenment. Its amazing!

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Recently I'm reading a book that a colleague lent me, called Courage to Succeed by Ruben Gonzalez.

It's a fantastic book. A true example of a man who became successful simply because of the success principles that he live by. Below is a few excerpts of this book, which I wanted to write down just to remind myself.

     "You see, a dreamer will never be understood by a non-dreamer. If a dreamer takes a non-dreamer's advice, he'll just go home, he wont do anything with his life, and ultimately die of a broken heart." 

This part is so true.. I was 17 years old when I wanted to take on animation, but because my mom had strongly opposed to it, she feels that as an artist, I cannot make any money, so even though I was accepted to the animation course that I wanted, young at 17, I allowed her opinions to be part of me, thinking that I'm not original enough (as art needs a lot of originality) to make it, and I relented after a few quarrels with her. So I did not pursue my dream of being an animator. I was aimlessly drifting about, not interested in working nor anything that is driving me much in life.This went on for whole TEN YEARS. And I did have a broken heart at that whole time. In fact, I was thinking, I was so near, but I gave up. And the fact that I couldn't do what my heart tells me was killing me slowly. Many a times, I visualized myself on deathbed, regretting my life choices. Time was slowly passing by, without me in it. And later on, after 10 years, I decided to quit my low paying job to really take on animation lessons. It wasn't easy as I did not have any source of income, only odd jobs, but I knew that I HAD to make it work, as this was my only chance at succeeding my dream of being an animator. I was 27 years old, too old to switch to careers where artists came out at 21 years old. Numerous people whom I talked to discouraged me to pursue my dreams. Even teachers who were teaching animation at that point of time discouraged me. Even my so-called best friend, one day chided me for being silly to pursue my dreams at this very old age and asked me to continue my low-paying job instead! Now thinking back, it was so ridiculous. But at that time, it was very detrimental for me. But I stood strong and believed in myself where no one else did. I'm glad I did. The deathbed regret was much bigger than failing in becoming an animator. But I realized that it could be so much easier for me if I had known to surround myself with like minded people, I would have soar even higher and faster. And happier in the process too. But I got to see who are my true friends through this.

  "Associating with negative people makes us thinks negatively. Close contact with petty individuals develops petty habits in us. On the other hand, companionship with 'big idea' type of people raises the level of our thinking. Close contact with ambitious people causes us to become more ambitious. Here's a great rule of thumb: If you're the smartest, or the most motivated person in your group, its time to find a new group."

I have quite a few good friends and colleagues who are big on inspiration and ideas. Which are great now.
But I used to come from a time where I loved to party, and many friends who partied with me, are people who don't have many dreams, who just think of partying and having fun all the time. They didn't want to suffer to be successful. They rather be comfortable and not win, and because they hadn't tried, so they didn't fail as well. At times, I feel difficult, as pursuing your dreams is already taking a lot of effort, plus what if the people beside you keep pulling you down whenever? Surrounded by these people, I tend to be lazy, and give up easily. But that's not what I want in life. I have to pull myself out from these people and surround myself with positive and encouraging people. Because.... I'm afraid I can't hold on long because of them. I can't afford that to happen. Life is short. I need to take it to the fullest. One of the ways you can surround yourself with the most successful and positive people in the world is though books (biographies) and videos (inspirational).

   "Fly with eagles, and you'll start to think, feel and act like an eagle."

   "I came to the realization that if someone laughed at my dream, they were laughing at me. if they did not believe in me, I stopped associating with them. I had to. Because they had the power to make doubt myself and, ultimately, quit."

   "Most people will react to the pursuit of your dream in three stages: First they will laugh at you: then, they will watch you; and, finally, they will begin to admire you. Don't listen to 'the dream stealers'. Follow your heart."

I see this all the time. Usually if you do persevere in your dream, they will change and later on come to ask you how you did it. Or say they admire you for doing so. So don't listen to them when they first criticize or laugh at you. Just give it time, they will turn around and say,"Wow, you really did it."

Most of the time, at the time when we give up, in reality, we are so close to victory. Now having grown up and after reading numerous inspiration books on successful people, I realized that if I had carried on wanting to go on the animation course, even though I couldn't buy the textbooks (my mom cut me off in money so I couldn't buy the animation course notes/books). If I had just persisted, and kept on attending the animation course, even without money, I'm pretty sure my mom would have given in after 2 or 3 months, when she sees me being so serious about it. But I gave up right after a few quarrels, so I really did not display any realness in wanting that dream either. These obstacles in pursuing your dreams, are to filter out the people whom are not serious in wanting that dream. After all, if life is not like this, then the whole world would be filled with successful people, and that would be nothing special about it, isn't it?