Friday, March 15, 2013

New way to chant Na.... Mo... A...Mi.... Tuo... Fo...

The other day when I just started new work place (my old work place went bankrupt suddenly in a couple of days and thank God I found a contract job within a week), and I don't have my Buddhist dvds with me, so I just randomly open youtube to listen to some dharma talks while I do my work (thats my usual practice). And thanks for this event happening, I just discovered a new way to chant Amituofo.

For 5 years, I have always been listening to my dvds that I found in temples. Starting a new job, actually open lots of doors, like the things I used to routinely do, I have to change. For example, for 5 years, I have always been listening to my dvds that I found in temples. But the new job (I cant bring my dvd and listen on the first day of work, its not nice) actually gave me chance to look elsewhere for dharma materials. And I discovered this gem. :)

The trick is to not do anything, just sit cross legged, hands in good posture, no chanting beads, and just chant Namo Amituofo reallllyyyyy slowly. And count from 1 to 10 times I chant Namo Amituofo, and then repeat again.

Its difficult, and I tend to forget when Im around 5 counts of Namo Amituofo, and I still find hard to find time to sit down and chant for half an hour straight. But I think this is the way to go, the more untame my mind is, the more it means this training is right for me. :)

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