Monday, August 19, 2013

"I complained I had no shoes until I met a man who has no feet."

Recently it got me thinking.. That a man's choices in life is reflected in his actions and also in his thoughts.

There are many people who sees other people who are richer, or more fortunate than themselves. And then get unhappy and start complaining about their own situation and want more stuffs.

At the same time, below this same group of people also have many others, whom are poorer than them, or less fortunate. And if they focus on this lower group, they can start feeling blessed that they are so lucky.

For the general people, we are floating somewhere in the middle. There are always people who are above us, below us, in all things, in certain things. We can't have the best of everything. That's reality. And we can't have the worst of everything too.

Upper Tier
Middle Tier **
Lower Tier

Most of us are always in the middle tier. There are always people who are richer than us, smarter than us, prettier/more handsome than us. And likewise vice versa, there is always people who are not so fortunate as us.

So how does the reaction to such things result?

The mind does the final picking. It can either pick itself to compare with the top, or pick the bottom. Or it can not pick at all, and remain happy and satisfied as it already is.

So the conditions of jealousy, anger, as well as feeling blissful, joyful, peaceful are all out there. Its just how the mind picks out which conditions to focus on that results in our emotions and actions.

Its all our own choices of picking which scenarios within the mind.

So to elaborate further, our actions/ reactions are actually a manifestation of what happens in the mind. Be it anger or joyfulness. When something keeps occurring that is unsatisfactory, for example, jealousy to others who seems more fortunate, its actually the imbalance of the self-esteem that caused the mind to nit pick at others who "looked more fortunate" and then display out our emotions.

And these manifestations of emotions are actually good, because its a sign or symptom to show out the imbalance of the inner self and if we are aware, we can go back to try and balance it.

Let me try and put it in equation terms.

 "Nothing happens to man that is not contained within man". -- -C Jung

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