Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Spiritual Alchemy

This audio talks about exactly what I have been getting insights about.

The last blog I said about how huge amount of energy is condensed into very small matter (material form) and thus nothing is ever a coincidence because even small things need vast amount of energy to manifest.

This audio talks exactly about that.

I have been getting this strange feeling of how huge energy transformed into matter in our body, in our lives, in the universe, but am not sure exactly how. This CD actually shows me how energy is being transformed into lead in our bodies. And perhaps, that is all because the universe is a hologram in our brain right? :)

It talks about how the energy is transformed into material (gold into lead) and that it literally transform into illness in the creative chakra (laboratory).

The example given is this:

Some of us have memory control issues. That is, for example, one like to argue about how things REALLY happened.This type of memory control issues changes from gold(energy) to lead (in the creative chakra) and literally manifests into an illness (cysts, for example).

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