Sunday, November 29, 2015

Closed hearts

I realised from Weizhan and Kate that a lot of people's hearts are closed because they are carrying some strong hate in their hearts, and they feel they need to protect themselves. Thus their hearts are closed and they remember grudges very well. They hate and guard against people whom they feel threatened their well-being even small little events, even thou it could be them that threatened others instead. 

It's for me to notice that they have closed hearts due to the much hate that they carry in them and that it's not for me to open their hearts. Let them be, for we all choose our own routes in life. 

Monday, November 23, 2015

My life is getting more fabulous by the hour

I got this card this morning. The night before I was a little angry about something. Actually it started from afternoon. And it's really a small thing. But somehow I felt my personal rights/boundaries being pushed.

Ivan wanted to buy some safra card, and wanted to use Daniel's. Normally it would be totally ok. If we were going. And if my EDD won't be so close. But the safra Xmas party is on 19th dec and my EDD is on 25/12/2015. It's too close so I tot should ask Jo to buy tix instead since they are all going and we are most probably not. But Jo din seem to want to buy the tix. And then at this time I felt my boundaries being violated. I felt that I wanted to speak up for myself but I couldn't because I would look petty if I do. And I don't want to look petty to others. This blocks my throat chakra. 

Hmm.. Why would I want to appear so generous that it's actually not me to impress others? Or let others see me in a way that I'm easily bullied or "won't mind if they do this to me kind"?

So after the day of medium tormenting, this morning I decided to pick a "I can do it" card. And throughout yesterday and this morning I tried to use the method of "Cancel, Clear, Delete!" By the angel cards. It's v tough! My mind seems bent on thinking about other ppl wanting to impose on me and bringing me inconvenice. I try a couple of times but it didn't seem to work. My mindset is very very strong on that. And I also realise how this negative thinking has set me to attract more similar situations. 

Anyways this morning since I get the card, I have been trying to practice the "Cancel, Clear, Delete!" method though it didn't seem to be working. And I try to tell myself about the looking forward to every hour from the cards. Right now it's 10am and it so seems to be working! So now I'm recording the process of every hour. 

7am - wake up feeling still disturbed 

8am - open my eyes feeling better

8.15am - wake Daniel up... And go wash up. In the shower keep practicing fabulous every hour theory every now and then when I catch myself

9am - we depart from home 

9.15am - a P-plate cut right in front of us in the car and almost cause us to have accident. But thru this I realised several things. My negative thinking usually led to negative things happening. Seems like accidents is the final route and it's dangerous!! 2nd, lucky nothing happened! We missed the car by a tiny bit and I was holding onto my seat belt when it happened so I think our baby is safe. Thank God! 

9.30am - reach office. I realised the safra booking thing is such a small event. As long as my family is ok and my and my bb is fine and healthy that's all that matters! The rest of small stuff! I'm v thankful we still make it to office safely. And initially when Daniel seems a little irritated in the morning, I felt his protective love when he actually confronted the guy in the p-plate car, though I feel it's quite weihiam! But I am thankful and love this new honest, protection energy from my hubby. :))

10am - I open my office invitation to our company Xmas party and saw Hailey's reply "no" to invitation and say venue not so fantastic. Haha it's at our pantry. Brings a smile to me and also amuses me how she can have the guts to speak the truth so easily?! It seems so hard for me... 

10.15am - Jo actually volunteered to help others book for safra in our chat group! :))

12pm - hmm Ivan haven't replied yet.. But maybe he already replied to Jo personally. :) and I begin to chat with Alex abt the dog.. It relaxes me.. And seeing the website of Garden by the Bay Xmas excites me! Now I'm just waiting to go buy fish and chips downstairs! I'm feeling happy and chirpy~ 

12.33pm - just went downstairs to buy fish and chips and was told they are out of flour batter so use bread crumbs. I used the chance to ask for more tata sauce. And when going back to office gantry the young female security office saw me and help me open the gate, the guy at the lift said,"after you" and let me into the lift. Ohhhh so wonderful feeling! :))

To be updated... :)

Sunday, November 22, 2015


This morning I was sitting the shuttle bus and the clock was at 22:22. My watch only shows 9+am. Funny how the clock in the bus was spoil and showing me 2222. And here is what I find about angel numbers:

Harmony and life purpose! Manifest with positive thoughts. I am suppose to keep my faith and speak the truth too. So means I have to speak my truth lovingly, instead of with anger. Wow! This is tough. But will be exciting new frontier for me! Can hardly wait! :D

Living a free and unburdened life

The fact is, I don't owe anyone anything, and I don't have to feel the need to repay or give anything to anyone or feel obliged to be nice or tie down to anything. 

This is in fact one of the most liberating thoughts for me. To feel constantly being tied down when someone does a favor or give me something is very tiring on the emotional body. It creates stress instead of recieving abundance. Which it really shouldn't be that way. Somehow there is still some triggers of "unworthiness" in me that needs to be resolved if I were to accept loving kindness from people around me.

When someone does something nice for me, I don't always have to repay them. I can receive the love in good harmony. And accept it. I don't have to feel obliged to do something back. That is, in fact a kind of feeling unworthy of the kindness being shown upon me. Because I can't seem to accept it. Real acceptance is really appreciate and love the feeling of being showered upon with love. 

Thursday, November 19, 2015

The only way to get rid of FEAR is through LOVE

It's funny but the other day I dreamt a dream.. When I woke up. I totally forgot what it was about, but the message of the dream was very very clear. It's intended for Kayden, "The only way to get rid of FEAR, is through LOVE." Come to think of it. It's also very useful for me. As I have a lot of anger habits and it's will work for me well. I rem the time when I met Hweesan Shifu, and I said I wanted to be a healer, and he said,"Just keep chanting om mani padme hung."

Now I understand why. Because with love and compassion, will be able subside my anger and bring the healer out in me in full force. :)

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

1619 on 11/11/2015

Recently I had a dream of someone telling me about 1619. And I bought 4d 1619 and 1916 for it. The day I forgot to buy 1916 came out! And today I'm here for my gynae check and I got the number 1619! 

So since it keep repeating in my life, I decided to search for it in angel numbers.

"Angel Number 1619 is a message from your angels that you are to take action towards serving your Divine life purpose. Your angels ask that you release any fears and anxieties and get on with living your passion and purpose today. It is your right to be a powerful being so use your personal power in loving ways that benefit yourself and others. Listen to your intuitive messages and take positive action in the direction of your soul calling. Your angels will ensure that you are provided with all that you will need along your path.  

Angel Number 1619 is a prompt to get on with important aspects of your life as it is time for you to detach yourself from your old and outdated ideas and items and ‘let go’ and ‘release the old’.  It is a message that assures you that whatever leaves your life at this time will be replaced with ‘new’ and ‘better’.  Be open to receiving all that you deserve as you are ready for an upgrade in your life. 

Angel Number 1619 is a message from your angels to trust that the most suited and appropriate career choice, hobby or interest will present in your life, and your angels encourage you to take up the opportunity. 

Angel Number 1619 can also suggest that you are at the end of a phase or cycle in your life.  Call upon your angels to comfort and guide you towards your next step. Happiness and fulfilment await you with ‘new’ about to enter your life.

Your intuition connects you to angel and spirit energy, and guidance is available to you as soon as you ask for it."

I keep having repeated message that I will soon be serving people as a healer, and that I will be provided for such purpose in my life. If it really comes true I will be really happy, as I personally feel this is really my soul's divine purpose. Just that I'm lost and not confident enough for it. 

But interestingly, earlier today I met my sis for lunch at j8 as she is very kind to bring me around to see what I have lack for our baby Tara. And so happened I had a dream the night before about Kayden and his fears. I can't remember what the dream was about, but I can remember the message very very clearly. Is that, "The only way to change fear, is through love." For example, his fear of washing machine, the only way to remove this fear is by showing him to love the washing machine itself. Very strange. As I never have any dreams about Kayden before. And it feels like it's really a intended message for Kayden specifically from the angels. :) I'm glad I get to be the messanger! 

1619 is also associated number 8.

And lead me to this website about angel channeling:

"Our angels’ insights and revelations can come to us through a vision whilst daydreaming, dreaming while sleeping, and just upon waking from a dream. Channeling messages from the angels is a direct route to angelic inspiration and insight."

Monday, November 09, 2015

Important life changes

I have been reading Angel Therapy Handbook and the last part is about changing career to a holistic one, a healer. Which is what I really want. To do something that has big contribution to society, even if it's little bit by little bit. And this morning while offering incense u was asking for signs and guidance if really that was to happen. Because I have no confidence at all. Who will come for spiritual guidance?? I can't even have peace with my batch girls. Haha. 

And later we went for early lunch and we got the number 7555. Another 555!

I have been seeing a lot of 555, which signifies big changes in my life. And with a "7" in front.. Hmm... I feel it's really an affirmation sign for me from Buddhas and Boddhisatvas. If it's really gonna happen, I will be really happy! :))

Sunday, November 08, 2015

No wastage of time or situation possible

"There is not a time in our lives where a situation is wasted. That is where you simply needed to be, exactly where you are right there and then."

Friday, November 06, 2015

Crystal children!

This morning I was at the clinic as I was falling sick. Luckily not really having fever yet. As I try to look for some information about something on the Internet (can't remember what is was) and it led me to Doreen Virtue angel article.. I again chance upon writing on crystal children! This is the 3rd time I am reading about crystal children. This is is a very lengthy and extensive one! Good! Whereas, before that I have never even heard of them! Last night I was asking (briefly) if Tara is still ard. And I was afraid to get the answer "No" so I quickly stop short of asking myself multiple times. And today I got my answer again! Thank u angels! Thank u Boddhisatvas and Buddhas!

Monday, November 02, 2015

Animal guide

Today I drew an angel card while asking about a situation regarding a friend and my input to that. And this card appears as Hidden Influences. 

At first when I read the card I used my brain logically and think maybe my animal guide is a monkey as a friend actually "saw" a spiritual monkey with me before. But a thought came in and remembered what Daniel said. During a quiz to envision his partner as a particular animal, he said he saw partner as a horse. At first I was like.. "Why am I a horse huh?" In my I saw like a normal brown looking horse. But later that day he told me, "you never ask me how the horse look like. It's full white in color, like the horse in Harry Porter. Gandalf's white horse with glow." So after remembering this event, I tot, maybe I have a unicorn with me. Hehe. 

Now I'm traveling in mrt back home. And I re-open my angel cards. And behold! What I have never noticed beforehand is that the cover of this particular card is indeed a unicorn. Coincidence or true? I shall try the steps to take inside the card to see what comes up! :)

Down periods

When a person is down or met with negative situations, the "portal" is open. A chance to go back to heal whatever previous trauma has happened before. Only with the same situation happening again, with the correct conditions, can the old hurt and trauma be relived and recreated with new actions and beliefs.

Sunday, November 01, 2015

Archangel Micheal - Shield Yourself

Recently I have been feeling a lot of negative energies and I found that I have been absorbing whoever lower energies when they come to me for help. It's accidental finding, after watching Teal Swan's synchronization videos. 

And I found this website that is very helpful in shielding empaths like us from absorbing everyone's energies around us: 

As before this I will react either in anger or defence somehow along the way while talking with the specific person that I am talking to. I wondered why I have always reacted that way for all my life. There is definitely something I am reacting to. Then I realised that I felt their feelings so strongly that I try to push away by reacting angrily. I shall use the cutting of cords every evening and pink, purple and white light for cutting of fear cords and protection every morning and evening, after cutting the fear based cords. Thank you, Doreen Virtue!