The first time when I join 三时系念,there was an ancestor praying ceremony. During that time, heavy rain fell, the roof of Big Box rattling loudly. And when they say “送神”,at that time, I felt the deities swirling around to the exit in a very light, joyful and playful way.
I took the time to ask them a few questions.
Me: Right now I’m so tied up at home and not able to do anything. What can I do now?
The playful deities: In due time, your time will come, don’t worry. :)
Me: Really? Do you have a message for me?
The playful deities: Just relax and enjoy the ride! Have fun! In due time your time will come~ :)
Me: Thank you, 感恩 :)
The playful deities: Next time you will be like one of us too~
Suddenly I felt the the loving and expansive ground energy. It’s transparent, yet reflecting multi-colours off its waves of loving energy. I knew somehow then this energy will be me in the faraway distant future. I will be one of them (is it a deity too? I don’t have the answer.)
The energy was so soft, loving and compassionate that tears start to well up in my eyes. It’s the kind of expansive loving energy that protects the earth and returns to Mother Nature. It is, Mother Nature. It melts to the earth, as universal oneness with earth.
Me: Thank you for the information. How about my friend here?
The playful deities: She will be one of us too~ :)
Me: Really? Her too? Both of us?
Then I suddenly felt a black, greyish steel drilling energy. It’s very formidable, very strong and powerful. It’s energy is arrowed in a single point at the end with huge force. In my image I see a huge blackish, greyish drill, drilling away.
Suddenly I understand why my friend is a “driller”. Usually she forcefully drills information into people in the most aggressive way. Now I began to understand it’s all meant to be. And her transformation already started now. As the eons go, she will be more and more alike this drilling image I have.
And seems like I have already started my transformation too. I’m starting to get softer and softer. Although some people might disagree, but I’m a far cry to what I used to be. :)
Namatase and 感恩 for these conversation with the deities~ 非常感恩
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Saturday, December 09, 2017
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Encouraging our children to be proactive
As I lay in bed awake and unable to sleep, suddenly a thought dawn on me why my siblings and me don't help out household chores. My mom always complain about how we failed to help her to do housework and honestly I myself also wondered why even in my twenties I did not help out in the household. Why?? Why did we not have the initiative to do help out in the household? This seems like the most natural thing we should have done but didn't. This question although not voiced out, had been in the back of my mind for a really long time.
Recently Tara hasn't been responding well~ and one day our fan blade dropped. As I was discussing w my friends, it could be the possibility of feeling pressured according to fengshui terms. Not just me but Tara as well. Because my hubby did overtime pretty much the whole week, I was feeling pressured to get Tara to learn and respond well, unknowingly I think I flared up at her when she didn't respond. I think this put pressure on her and she kinda stopped responding all together. After realising this, I began to be more gentle to her. A friend who is very good in teaching children told me before that we cannot be forceful when teaching, the child will associate teaching with unhappiness. That will deter her from learning.
Then suddenly, I realised the reason why my siblings and I did not take initiative to help out household chores when we were young. It's because we never had the encouragement to do so. When we tried to mimic sweeping the floor etc, we were always scolded and discouraged from doing so as we were being a "hindrance". Even when we were older and the odd times when we wanted to help out in the house, my mom would always do it in her own timing without telling us and then complain we never help after that.
This is my feeling - especially when a child is young, cues are taken from the parents 100% and even more in the subconscious mind. As the brain is not fully developed, logic (and I think discernment) is not fully formed, most of the events go into our subconscious**, as this is the primary mode where the mind is operating.
By not helping out in the household from young has quite a few repercussions, we fail to have the initiative to do things for our family, which means we also failed to show our love to them. And being in the same household without helping, its like there is an invisible barrier between the family members. Actions help break the barrier in energy form.
"Every time a child try to do something and is discouraged, he or she is learning not to, not only for the moment, but for the lifetime. As unconscious as many of us as parents are, these are "drop by drop" teaching we are giving to our children, as minute as it may seems."
May we all give our children of the next generation healthy values and loving attitudes. :)
**Subconscious mind (or subtle conscious mind) is our auto-pilot operating system. All of us, even as adults, pretty much steer our whole life values and principles (thus our situations, such as rich, poor, how treat ourselves and other people and etc) are mostly due to our subconscious mind, as much as we think we are operating from our logic and thinking system. We are actually not. Haha.
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Recently Tara hasn't been responding well~ and one day our fan blade dropped. As I was discussing w my friends, it could be the possibility of feeling pressured according to fengshui terms. Not just me but Tara as well. Because my hubby did overtime pretty much the whole week, I was feeling pressured to get Tara to learn and respond well, unknowingly I think I flared up at her when she didn't respond. I think this put pressure on her and she kinda stopped responding all together. After realising this, I began to be more gentle to her. A friend who is very good in teaching children told me before that we cannot be forceful when teaching, the child will associate teaching with unhappiness. That will deter her from learning.
Then suddenly, I realised the reason why my siblings and I did not take initiative to help out household chores when we were young. It's because we never had the encouragement to do so. When we tried to mimic sweeping the floor etc, we were always scolded and discouraged from doing so as we were being a "hindrance". Even when we were older and the odd times when we wanted to help out in the house, my mom would always do it in her own timing without telling us and then complain we never help after that.
This is my feeling - especially when a child is young, cues are taken from the parents 100% and even more in the subconscious mind. As the brain is not fully developed, logic (and I think discernment) is not fully formed, most of the events go into our subconscious**, as this is the primary mode where the mind is operating.
By not helping out in the household from young has quite a few repercussions, we fail to have the initiative to do things for our family, which means we also failed to show our love to them. And being in the same household without helping, its like there is an invisible barrier between the family members. Actions help break the barrier in energy form.
"Every time a child try to do something and is discouraged, he or she is learning not to, not only for the moment, but for the lifetime. As unconscious as many of us as parents are, these are "drop by drop" teaching we are giving to our children, as minute as it may seems."
May we all give our children of the next generation healthy values and loving attitudes. :)
**Subconscious mind (or subtle conscious mind) is our auto-pilot operating system. All of us, even as adults, pretty much steer our whole life values and principles (thus our situations, such as rich, poor, how treat ourselves and other people and etc) are mostly due to our subconscious mind, as much as we think we are operating from our logic and thinking system. We are actually not. Haha.
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Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Watching Raymon Grace Prosperity dvd
Been watching this video since a couple of weeks ago.. along with Young Living Forgiveness, Release and Abundance essential oils. My inner work stash. Haha.
I'm suppose to see this video every 2-3 days for at least several months until I really gain abundance. Noting down the date when I start and let's see what's the end result!
Actually I can already feel it manifesting. I'm a lot more interested in growing YL biz than before. And taking in small but big leaps and suddenly there are a few downlines that want to grow my biz with me. It feels great to be supported. And I love the fact that I can do inner work with Young Living (which is my work).
Love, love and

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I'm suppose to see this video every 2-3 days for at least several months until I really gain abundance. Noting down the date when I start and let's see what's the end result!
Actually I can already feel it manifesting. I'm a lot more interested in growing YL biz than before. And taking in small but big leaps and suddenly there are a few downlines that want to grow my biz with me. It feels great to be supported. And I love the fact that I can do inner work with Young Living (which is my work).
Love, love and

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Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Inner Child Essential Oil
Omg.. I'm at the Young Living office today, and had the sudden urge to try Inner Child just before I leave. I dropped and rubbed the oil gently between my palm and cupped over my nose and mouth and breathe deeply..
I ended up standing there for a few minutes without moving at all! I must have looked really weird being deep in my state in the middle of a busy office..
Surprised, I went back to see the description of this oil. ** See the picture attached**
Maybe I really need to connect with my authentic self~
I'm taking this oil home with me today! *Really can't resist it!!!*

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I ended up standing there for a few minutes without moving at all! I must have looked really weird being deep in my state in the middle of a busy office..
Surprised, I went back to see the description of this oil. ** See the picture attached**
Maybe I really need to connect with my authentic self~
I'm taking this oil home with me today! *Really can't resist it!!!*

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Monday, October 23, 2017
Helichrysum helps to prevent my toenail from falling out from a bad knock
*Sharing of Young Living essential oils*
*Helichrysum eo*
What happens when you hit your toe and your nail start to ooz blood out, and it starts turning blue black?
The next scenario that comes to mind usually will be, "Oh no! My nail is going to fall off in the next few days!" That's what always happen to me last time when I hit my toes hard and my toe nail came off almost all with blood and in great pain!
But what happened last week really changed my mind about what could possibly happen. The nail doesn't always have to end up *falling out*!
Last Thursday I hit my last toe on my baby high chair's leg.. the hit was quite hard and my last toe's nail almost came off and there was blood oozing out. It was really painful!
As I was really busy I only dabbed it dry with a dry tissue and about few hours later then I had the time to put some helichrysum on it. I dropped 1 drop of helichrysum eo on the area where the nail had came off. Then I wrapped with a new handiplast. I was hoping my toe can heal well, perhaps with the toenail falling out eventually anyways. But it could save me lots of pain as helichrysum is good with pain.
Every night from Thursday to Sunday I would change to a new plaster and drop a drop of helichrysum eo on it (actually I only applied 3 times as one particular night I forgot to do it.) And I was extra careful as my baby loves to trample on my toes!
And today my baby trampled on my toes full force!
But.. it's not painful at all! Surprised, I pulled open the plaster to see, to my amazement, it was fully healed! I tried to pull the toenail apart gently to see if it's still detached to my flesh, but it's firmly stuck in place, just like the injury has never taken place!
Attached is a photo of the "after" of my toenail today.. wasted I did not take a "before" pic!
Can you tell from my pic that my toenail was almost falling out just a few days ago???
Note: sorry it's not a pretty toe, but at least my toenail is not falling out!
Helichrysum eo amazed me once again!
**Young Living are 100% organic essential oils**
**I'm not a doctor nor is this article intended to treat, cure or diagnose any illness or sickness. It's just that the benefits of helichrysum eo is too good to keep to myself! I want to share with my friends! **

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*Helichrysum eo*
What happens when you hit your toe and your nail start to ooz blood out, and it starts turning blue black?
The next scenario that comes to mind usually will be, "Oh no! My nail is going to fall off in the next few days!" That's what always happen to me last time when I hit my toes hard and my toe nail came off almost all with blood and in great pain!
But what happened last week really changed my mind about what could possibly happen. The nail doesn't always have to end up *falling out*!
Last Thursday I hit my last toe on my baby high chair's leg.. the hit was quite hard and my last toe's nail almost came off and there was blood oozing out. It was really painful!
As I was really busy I only dabbed it dry with a dry tissue and about few hours later then I had the time to put some helichrysum on it. I dropped 1 drop of helichrysum eo on the area where the nail had came off. Then I wrapped with a new handiplast. I was hoping my toe can heal well, perhaps with the toenail falling out eventually anyways. But it could save me lots of pain as helichrysum is good with pain.
Every night from Thursday to Sunday I would change to a new plaster and drop a drop of helichrysum eo on it (actually I only applied 3 times as one particular night I forgot to do it.) And I was extra careful as my baby loves to trample on my toes!
And today my baby trampled on my toes full force!
But.. it's not painful at all! Surprised, I pulled open the plaster to see, to my amazement, it was fully healed! I tried to pull the toenail apart gently to see if it's still detached to my flesh, but it's firmly stuck in place, just like the injury has never taken place!
Attached is a photo of the "after" of my toenail today.. wasted I did not take a "before" pic!
Can you tell from my pic that my toenail was almost falling out just a few days ago???
Note: sorry it's not a pretty toe, but at least my toenail is not falling out!
Helichrysum eo amazed me once again!
**Young Living are 100% organic essential oils**
**I'm not a doctor nor is this article intended to treat, cure or diagnose any illness or sickness. It's just that the benefits of helichrysum eo is too good to keep to myself! I want to share with my friends! **

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Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Helichrysum testimony
*Essential oils sharing with before and after pictures*
Helichrysum eo works wonders for me.
A couple of years ago while walking through a pet shop, a pet can food dropped onto my left foot.
It was super painful and I can't even touch it as I feel like crying once touched. I think it hit a nerve so I was almost close to tearing.
As I was near my mil place, I quickly borrowed her helichrysum eo (she bought it for her hearing purposes - and it actually worked!!) to drop onto my wound as I have read countless testimonies about how good it is for bruises and cuts. I didn't even rub it in! Just drop 1-2 drops and "spread" it gently around my bruise. Just 3 hours later it really went down until it's just a regular light bruise when I touch it!! Thank God~
Here are some before and after pictures which I took that day.
On another occasion, my hubby got his hand burnt while holding a halogen bulb right after its off. I asked him to quickly borrow his mom's helichrysum (thanks mil again!) and right after he applied helichrysum eo, he looked at me astounded and said,"it's not painful anymore."
He didn't believe in the oils last time, but after this incident he is a believer of the oils already. Hehe.
*Helichrysum is a natural medicinal plant that’s used to make a beneficial essential oil that boasts many different full-body benefits due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Helichrysum essential oil, in the form of helichrysum italicum extract, has been established in various experimental studies to have strong abilities to lower inflammation due to several mechanisms: inflammatory enzyme inhibition, free radical scavenging activity and corticoid-like effects.*
*Young Living essential oils are organic*
I'm sharing this because I feel helichrysum has work wonders for me. And I read so many amazing testimonies online about this oil. I want to share with my friends about this wonderful oil and what it can do! I hope my friends can all benefit from this~
PS. If you want to learn more about helichrysum oil or other essential oils and it's benefits, feel free to PM me. I will be happy to share.

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Helichrysum eo works wonders for me.
A couple of years ago while walking through a pet shop, a pet can food dropped onto my left foot.
It was super painful and I can't even touch it as I feel like crying once touched. I think it hit a nerve so I was almost close to tearing.
As I was near my mil place, I quickly borrowed her helichrysum eo (she bought it for her hearing purposes - and it actually worked!!) to drop onto my wound as I have read countless testimonies about how good it is for bruises and cuts. I didn't even rub it in! Just drop 1-2 drops and "spread" it gently around my bruise. Just 3 hours later it really went down until it's just a regular light bruise when I touch it!! Thank God~
Here are some before and after pictures which I took that day.
On another occasion, my hubby got his hand burnt while holding a halogen bulb right after its off. I asked him to quickly borrow his mom's helichrysum (thanks mil again!) and right after he applied helichrysum eo, he looked at me astounded and said,"it's not painful anymore."
He didn't believe in the oils last time, but after this incident he is a believer of the oils already. Hehe.
*Helichrysum is a natural medicinal plant that’s used to make a beneficial essential oil that boasts many different full-body benefits due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Helichrysum essential oil, in the form of helichrysum italicum extract, has been established in various experimental studies to have strong abilities to lower inflammation due to several mechanisms: inflammatory enzyme inhibition, free radical scavenging activity and corticoid-like effects.*
*Young Living essential oils are organic*
I'm sharing this because I feel helichrysum has work wonders for me. And I read so many amazing testimonies online about this oil. I want to share with my friends about this wonderful oil and what it can do! I hope my friends can all benefit from this~
PS. If you want to learn more about helichrysum oil or other essential oils and it's benefits, feel free to PM me. I will be happy to share.

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Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Passive aggressive
Passive aggressive people don't feel it's safe to speak up or show their emotions. They feel it's not accepted. Thus they show it out in a passive aggressive way where it's harder to confront. There is a certain dependency on the person who is shown to. Be it a subconscious need for validation or real actual dependency.
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Saturday, August 26, 2017
Queuing for 三時繫念
While going for the event I took the wrong bus and walked the wrong route. But I keep telling myself that there is a timing for everything and everything happens for a reason.
Finally when I reached I took the lift to the 3rd floor with a family. The family queued behind me and I sat reading my book in the queue for half an hour. Suddenly the auntie offered me biscuits which I am grateful to take as I hadn't had my breakfast yet. We started chatting and she taught me how urs impt for me to go fully for the event itself. How she did for many years as well as liberating lives she saw how her life and as well as her daughters life changed. I changed my mind decided to go for the event fully!
So lucky am I to have angels 守护神 around me to let me take so many wrong routes so I can eventually meet the auntie at the exact same time and learn from her! She also taught me to 随缘, if have yuan we will do, 没有缘不做。不要让自己起烦恼。
Words of wisdom.
Finally when I reached I took the lift to the 3rd floor with a family. The family queued behind me and I sat reading my book in the queue for half an hour. Suddenly the auntie offered me biscuits which I am grateful to take as I hadn't had my breakfast yet. We started chatting and she taught me how urs impt for me to go fully for the event itself. How she did for many years as well as liberating lives she saw how her life and as well as her daughters life changed. I changed my mind decided to go for the event fully!
So lucky am I to have angels 守护神 around me to let me take so many wrong routes so I can eventually meet the auntie at the exact same time and learn from her! She also taught me to 随缘, if have yuan we will do, 没有缘不做。不要让自己起烦恼。
Words of wisdom.
Saturday, August 12, 2017
Power of Your Spirit
Friday, July 28, 2017
Friday, July 14, 2017
Just now when I was trying to meditate using Doreen Virtue lightworker path meditation I tried to forgive those who irritated me, like my mil.. but somehow I feel I shouldn't blame her coz she already come over to help besides she is Daniel's mum.
So I tried to forgive myself instead, which I quite happily accepted. But however there is still a blockage forgiving my mil. I asked for guidance and ask why can't I forgive her?
The answer I receive is "blame". Then I ask again, do I blame her? Do I need to forgive her then? "No." I'm surprised by this answer. No? Hmm? Then what should I do? There is definitely something blocking in my heart then I think about her.
"Let go."
Then I realised that there is no notion of blame. Everything is the way it's suppose to be. All are life scripted so we can learn our valuable lessons and grow in person spiritually.
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So I tried to forgive myself instead, which I quite happily accepted. But however there is still a blockage forgiving my mil. I asked for guidance and ask why can't I forgive her?
The answer I receive is "blame". Then I ask again, do I blame her? Do I need to forgive her then? "No." I'm surprised by this answer. No? Hmm? Then what should I do? There is definitely something blocking in my heart then I think about her.
"Let go."
Then I realised that there is no notion of blame. Everything is the way it's suppose to be. All are life scripted so we can learn our valuable lessons and grow in person spiritually.
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Sunday, July 02, 2017
Freshly picked spring onions from home!
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
佛 in my room!
For 2 nights in a row my baby has been asking us to "拜拜". Whenever we put our hands down after a while she will ask us to put our hands together and "拜拜” again. Previously she always ask us to clap, suddenly now change to "拜拜”. That's quite strange.. so yesterday I ask her,"你看到佛吗?" Several times. And she instanteously once she got the message, she pointed at the ceiling and exclaim loudly,"佛!"
I'm honestly quite bedazzled.. really? "佛” in our bedroom? My mom always say,"头上三尺有神明。" I never really believed it until one day my Buddhist Whatsapp group shared a picture of a guy who was passing away to Pureland and they snap the picture it was taken of Amithaba Buddha, and Guanyin and DaShizhi Pusha and many boddhisatva behind. Like rainbow and translucent! So magnificent!
So it's real!
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I'm honestly quite bedazzled.. really? "佛” in our bedroom? My mom always say,"头上三尺有神明。" I never really believed it until one day my Buddhist Whatsapp group shared a picture of a guy who was passing away to Pureland and they snap the picture it was taken of Amithaba Buddha, and Guanyin and DaShizhi Pusha and many boddhisatva behind. Like rainbow and translucent! So magnificent!
So it's real!
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Tuesday, June 06, 2017
Update of DIY Dish Washing Liquid
My baby pacifier always have this nasty smell, which we tried very hard to get rid of but could not. No matter how we wash with our normal baby dish washing liquid, the smell was still always there, no less at all!
The other day I suddenly thought why not I try with my new DIY dish washing liquid, I just put a dab on it and wash away, and the smell was gone! I mean, not lesser, but totally gone! It's ACTUALLY smelling FRESH! Lemon and peppermint smell (because I put in lemon and peppermint eo in my dishwashing liquid). I can't believe it really. We had this pacifier for a year and half and it had never smelled so nice before except the first time we used it!
I think the baking soda is working great to get rid of odors! Thieves household cleaner to kill all the germs and bacteria that was giving out the nasty smell. I didn't even have to rub it long. I simply put the DIY dishwashing liquid on it and wash away. And the smell was totally, utterly gone! Now smelling fresh of peppermint and lemon smell. Super grateful for this recipe!
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The other day I suddenly thought why not I try with my new DIY dish washing liquid, I just put a dab on it and wash away, and the smell was gone! I mean, not lesser, but totally gone! It's ACTUALLY smelling FRESH! Lemon and peppermint smell (because I put in lemon and peppermint eo in my dishwashing liquid). I can't believe it really. We had this pacifier for a year and half and it had never smelled so nice before except the first time we used it!
I think the baking soda is working great to get rid of odors! Thieves household cleaner to kill all the germs and bacteria that was giving out the nasty smell. I didn't even have to rub it long. I simply put the DIY dishwashing liquid on it and wash away. And the smell was totally, utterly gone! Now smelling fresh of peppermint and lemon smell. Super grateful for this recipe!
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Saturday, June 03, 2017
I have always been rather lucky. What I thought of getting will often appear soon as a gift or I will have the means to get it. 非常感恩。
But recently after starting to chant 1000 Amituofo daily, various people whom I have never met and don't know suddenly appear to help out and is gone in a jiffy. Very amazing! It's like suddenly 很多护法神在身旁。
Last Friday 26/05/2019, I went to Guang Ming San for a while and when I was about to go back home, suddenly my slippers broke in the middle. I said to myself, "Oh no! My slipper broke!" It was raining and I was thinking, how to walk home barefoot(both sides broke!) in the rain~ There was no one around except a volunteer who worked in one of the praying areas because the temple is closing soon. She was standing at least 20m away from me. She turned around, and ask half loudly if my slipper broke. I was very surprised she heard me, as 20m was quite far and I did not shout, only short of exclaim to myself. I smiled embarrassingly and said,"yes haha my slipper just broke I think.." And she quickly replied,"You want slippers? I have extra, I always bring an extra pair with me just in case."
Really?! I really feel this is Amituofo energy 护法神 helping and protecting me. And the size is exactly just right! How amazing is that! Both my slippers broke in the rain and yet I did not have to walk a step barefoot! Until now I still cannot believe it.
And today we went to j8 ntuc.. my hubby gave me a new $1 coin, which cannot be used for trolley actually. I tried and realised and told myself that I need to change money.. and out of nowhere a lady just appear instanteously and changed to a old $1 that can fit in for me! Wow. And she disappeared just as fast as she appeared. Until now I'm still amazed. How is that possible?? 真的非常感恩。真的很不可思议!
Update: 2 weeks later when we were doing our weekly grocery shopping at ntuc, I was out of change and the same thing happened again!!! A ntuc staff suddenly appeared (in like 2 seconds) and gave me change and walked off, with a trail of ppl waiting to change with her for the trolleys! How amazing is that!
I give thanks sincerely!!! 谢谢!
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But recently after starting to chant 1000 Amituofo daily, various people whom I have never met and don't know suddenly appear to help out and is gone in a jiffy. Very amazing! It's like suddenly 很多护法神在身旁。
Last Friday 26/05/2019, I went to Guang Ming San for a while and when I was about to go back home, suddenly my slippers broke in the middle. I said to myself, "Oh no! My slipper broke!" It was raining and I was thinking, how to walk home barefoot(both sides broke!) in the rain~ There was no one around except a volunteer who worked in one of the praying areas because the temple is closing soon. She was standing at least 20m away from me. She turned around, and ask half loudly if my slipper broke. I was very surprised she heard me, as 20m was quite far and I did not shout, only short of exclaim to myself. I smiled embarrassingly and said,"yes haha my slipper just broke I think.." And she quickly replied,"You want slippers? I have extra, I always bring an extra pair with me just in case."
Really?! I really feel this is Amituofo energy 护法神 helping and protecting me. And the size is exactly just right! How amazing is that! Both my slippers broke in the rain and yet I did not have to walk a step barefoot! Until now I still cannot believe it.
And today we went to j8 ntuc.. my hubby gave me a new $1 coin, which cannot be used for trolley actually. I tried and realised and told myself that I need to change money.. and out of nowhere a lady just appear instanteously and changed to a old $1 that can fit in for me! Wow. And she disappeared just as fast as she appeared. Until now I'm still amazed. How is that possible?? 真的非常感恩。真的很不可思议!
Update: 2 weeks later when we were doing our weekly grocery shopping at ntuc, I was out of change and the same thing happened again!!! A ntuc staff suddenly appeared (in like 2 seconds) and gave me change and walked off, with a trail of ppl waiting to change with her for the trolleys! How amazing is that!
I give thanks sincerely!!! 谢谢!
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Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Kale chips!
Monday, May 22, 2017
DIY fabric softener
Am going to try this. :)
Will update once I tried it.
Non-Toxic DIY Fabric Softener
2 cups water
1 cup distilled vinegar — like this
1/2 cup non-toxic conditioner (I prefer to use this conditioner or the Lavender Mint from Young Living)
Essential Oils of your choice — I add in essential oils if I use a non-scented conditioner. If I use the Lavender Mint from Young Living, it already adds an amazing scent!
Combine all ingredients into a large glass jar
Non-Toxic DIY Fabric Softener | Real Food RN
Non-Toxic DIY Fabric Softener | Real Food RN
Put on a plastic lid (plastic is important because the vinegar will rust a metal lid)
Non-Toxic DIY Fabric Softener | Real Food RN
Use as you would your regular fabric softener, during the rinse cycle
Smile and know that you are not coating yourself and your family in toxic chemicals just to have soft clothes 🙂
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Will update once I tried it.
Non-Toxic DIY Fabric Softener
2 cups water
1 cup distilled vinegar — like this
1/2 cup non-toxic conditioner (I prefer to use this conditioner or the Lavender Mint from Young Living)
Essential Oils of your choice — I add in essential oils if I use a non-scented conditioner. If I use the Lavender Mint from Young Living, it already adds an amazing scent!
Combine all ingredients into a large glass jar
Non-Toxic DIY Fabric Softener | Real Food RN
Non-Toxic DIY Fabric Softener | Real Food RN
Put on a plastic lid (plastic is important because the vinegar will rust a metal lid)
Non-Toxic DIY Fabric Softener | Real Food RN
Use as you would your regular fabric softener, during the rinse cycle
Smile and know that you are not coating yourself and your family in toxic chemicals just to have soft clothes 🙂
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Wednesday, May 17, 2017
My Mission
As I was chanting amituofo to meet Waileng, I was thinking about the case where ZL posted the Father cut off the arm of the 17 yo teenager who raped his 17 month old Daughter. I tot he deserved it really. Will all fathers do the same? If yes then these perverts will go to orphanages. Suddenly I have a gulp in my throats that I can't stomach down. I tried to choke back the tears in my throats when I thought about the poor children in orphanages. I wish I can protect all children in the world. Then suddenly I realised why I am a Mother now and doing the most important job in the world. And kind souls come to help me with expanding my baby mind.
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Thursday, May 11, 2017
Realisation of how importance is birth to 3 year old
I just realised today how important a mother is to a baby. Not just it's material needs but also to the brain development and how she will grow to the rest of her life. I have known for quite some time that our subconscious from birth (actually from pregnancy) onwards forms of subconscious. And whatever habits it's formed. It will carry throughout adulthood. Today I just learnt that indeed that is the case! Really.
Because I brought my baby to the playground to play with this lovely mother of an adopted daughter and another child that she is babysitting, age about the same as my girl. Today, she told me that her husband noticed that my girl has lack of communication. She explained that communication can help with the learning curve of the child. Actually I have noticed this too, and have told my hubby and my mom about it. She and her husband latertold me in more details, that I have to keep repeating myself , and try and let her communicate with me. Communication, as in 2 way. Let her express herself and what she is want and constantly teach her the same things over and over again so she can learn to pick up and express the same thing I am teaching her. I noticed the baby girl that she is helping to take care can say many things. And express herself well. She said that Tara is still very much in her own world now and doesn't communicate that much with people. Which in a way I can see the difference between the girl and Tara.
Then I commented several times that my hubby is also the same. He is constantly in his own world. He doesn't know how to communicate and doesn't reply much.
Suddenly, I got an insight!!
When he was young of all the 3 sons, he was taken care by my mil the most. My mil was not one to communicate. She had some hearing problem and old traditional type of thinking. Those that will leave baby to rest on bed all the time while she watch tv. I sprained my hand when my baby was 2 months old, and she leave baby on bed all the time. Until she had flat head for a period of time. And I went back to work for 3 month, when my baby was 6 months old to 9 months old, my baby was in her care most of the time. What she did was to put baby in playpen. From morning to night. She played in there, when poo or need to change diaper, my mil will change or bathe her, and simply put her back there again. 3 months later, from a cheerful baby, she became non-smiling baby, and doesn't not respond to us anymore when we played with her. She totally lost her playful self. I was shocked. And I told my husband. He was also very surprised. Our baby was a super cheerful baby that already know how to play hide and seek since 3-4 months old. Suddenly she stopped responding and stop playing with us. I was shocked and worried at the same time. That was when she was around 8 months old. I happened to quit my job when she was 9 months old (means it's been 3 months in my mil care) and it took me close to 2 months of constantly playing with her to get her back to her old happy and playful self again. This period of time has always been the back of my mind. I wonder why. Because my Mother din play with her? Or what? After today spontaneous teaching by my Friend at the playground, I suddenly realised. This is due to the lack of communication my baby needs for 3 crucial months of her babyhood!! For 3 straight months, she was taught no need to communicate. Since my mil kept watching drama series and just let her play on her own, and babies forget really fast, she learnt that it's not necessary to communicate and since she is playing by herself ALL THE TIME, this becomes HER WORLD. That's is why she is constantly in her own world. Because no one is playing her! It has formed part of her subconscious behaviour!!!
That is why you need to keep repeating to her to teach things and it will form the deep part of her subconscious mind and bring all the way to her adulthood, and possibly to her death, unless one practices awareness meditation. Then there is possibility of turning things around by wisdom. Coz by being aware, and Chinese call 定(stable awareness),will 慧 (wisdom) arise. Now then I realised how important I am to her. I will form her character, her brain development, her methods of attaining something or letting go of something. No wonder Chinese have this saying: 小孩三岁定八十。this is really true.
Look at my hubby!! He is 40 now and STILL in his own world!! He was cared for by his mother the most and his mom was busy with coffeeshop that she hardly had time for him. And his mom wasn't the kind to play with babies. The old traditional type of thinking that babies don't need our attention. Throw them at one side can already. That is why until now he is HUGELY lacking in communication skills. He can't even answer properly without saying "huh". Everyday I have to repeat myself all day long just to talk to him. All because when he was young there is no one to teach him "what is communication"!
I'm shocked to find out how impactful our babyhood is!!! Unless my hubby practise awareness, he will never understand the extent of this! It's even gonna be useless if I say to him now because he don't understand it at all.
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Because I brought my baby to the playground to play with this lovely mother of an adopted daughter and another child that she is babysitting, age about the same as my girl. Today, she told me that her husband noticed that my girl has lack of communication. She explained that communication can help with the learning curve of the child. Actually I have noticed this too, and have told my hubby and my mom about it. She and her husband latertold me in more details, that I have to keep repeating myself , and try and let her communicate with me. Communication, as in 2 way. Let her express herself and what she is want and constantly teach her the same things over and over again so she can learn to pick up and express the same thing I am teaching her. I noticed the baby girl that she is helping to take care can say many things. And express herself well. She said that Tara is still very much in her own world now and doesn't communicate that much with people. Which in a way I can see the difference between the girl and Tara.
Then I commented several times that my hubby is also the same. He is constantly in his own world. He doesn't know how to communicate and doesn't reply much.
Suddenly, I got an insight!!
When he was young of all the 3 sons, he was taken care by my mil the most. My mil was not one to communicate. She had some hearing problem and old traditional type of thinking. Those that will leave baby to rest on bed all the time while she watch tv. I sprained my hand when my baby was 2 months old, and she leave baby on bed all the time. Until she had flat head for a period of time. And I went back to work for 3 month, when my baby was 6 months old to 9 months old, my baby was in her care most of the time. What she did was to put baby in playpen. From morning to night. She played in there, when poo or need to change diaper, my mil will change or bathe her, and simply put her back there again. 3 months later, from a cheerful baby, she became non-smiling baby, and doesn't not respond to us anymore when we played with her. She totally lost her playful self. I was shocked. And I told my husband. He was also very surprised. Our baby was a super cheerful baby that already know how to play hide and seek since 3-4 months old. Suddenly she stopped responding and stop playing with us. I was shocked and worried at the same time. That was when she was around 8 months old. I happened to quit my job when she was 9 months old (means it's been 3 months in my mil care) and it took me close to 2 months of constantly playing with her to get her back to her old happy and playful self again. This period of time has always been the back of my mind. I wonder why. Because my Mother din play with her? Or what? After today spontaneous teaching by my Friend at the playground, I suddenly realised. This is due to the lack of communication my baby needs for 3 crucial months of her babyhood!! For 3 straight months, she was taught no need to communicate. Since my mil kept watching drama series and just let her play on her own, and babies forget really fast, she learnt that it's not necessary to communicate and since she is playing by herself ALL THE TIME, this becomes HER WORLD. That's is why she is constantly in her own world. Because no one is playing her! It has formed part of her subconscious behaviour!!!
That is why you need to keep repeating to her to teach things and it will form the deep part of her subconscious mind and bring all the way to her adulthood, and possibly to her death, unless one practices awareness meditation. Then there is possibility of turning things around by wisdom. Coz by being aware, and Chinese call 定(stable awareness),will 慧 (wisdom) arise. Now then I realised how important I am to her. I will form her character, her brain development, her methods of attaining something or letting go of something. No wonder Chinese have this saying: 小孩三岁定八十。this is really true.
Look at my hubby!! He is 40 now and STILL in his own world!! He was cared for by his mother the most and his mom was busy with coffeeshop that she hardly had time for him. And his mom wasn't the kind to play with babies. The old traditional type of thinking that babies don't need our attention. Throw them at one side can already. That is why until now he is HUGELY lacking in communication skills. He can't even answer properly without saying "huh". Everyday I have to repeat myself all day long just to talk to him. All because when he was young there is no one to teach him "what is communication"!
I'm shocked to find out how impactful our babyhood is!!! Unless my hubby practise awareness, he will never understand the extent of this! It's even gonna be useless if I say to him now because he don't understand it at all.
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Tuesday, May 02, 2017
Wholesome life - Making My Own Dish Soap
Since I started to be a stay at home Mom, I am trying to make my home more wholesome and less chemicals. After making my own handwash, now I'm making my own dish soap.
This is the recipe that I am using:

This works great! Except that my hubby keep thinking it's too watery and use the entire tube within a week! So now I am exploring ways to make it thicker. At first I still argue back that it's great the way it is. Dr. Bronner is a great degreaser. But now I think back, maybe his resistance is to help me do a more perfect dish wash liquid soap. Just like the commercial ones, without all the chemicals!
*note that the watery liquid dish soap works great without having to be thick*
So now I am exploring ways to make it thicker. To my delight, it's really simple. Just add salt! I read on a website that just add 3 tablespoons of salt to water in a cup first, then pour into mixture and mix. Be careful, too much salt will make it turn back to water. Wait 3 days for it to thicken.

Left: This is after a day of sitting. I used the recipe above and added 5 drops of lemon eo and 5 drops of peppermint eo. I read that peppermint also thicken mixture. And also 1 teaspoon of salt water.
Right: only 10 drops of lemon eo and 3 teaspoon of salt water.

This is the right side. Seems to be thickening already.
To be updated on results after 2 days. :)
Update: it's strange but the first batch I used is very watery. I thought I did it wrongly and it's a failed experiment. And my hubby "threaten" to use back the normal chemical laden dish soap. While the first batch finished, I loaded it with the rest of the 2 containers that have 1 teaspoon and 3 teaspoon of salt each. Behold! The detergent that came out is actually slightly thick! Very strange because both was thin and watery. I'm thinking maybe both of them mixed to eventually get the correct ratio for thickening of dish soap! Anyways it's great news for me. Haha.
Hmm.. will experiment again and update here. :)
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This is the recipe that I am using:

This works great! Except that my hubby keep thinking it's too watery and use the entire tube within a week! So now I am exploring ways to make it thicker. At first I still argue back that it's great the way it is. Dr. Bronner is a great degreaser. But now I think back, maybe his resistance is to help me do a more perfect dish wash liquid soap. Just like the commercial ones, without all the chemicals!
*note that the watery liquid dish soap works great without having to be thick*
So now I am exploring ways to make it thicker. To my delight, it's really simple. Just add salt! I read on a website that just add 3 tablespoons of salt to water in a cup first, then pour into mixture and mix. Be careful, too much salt will make it turn back to water. Wait 3 days for it to thicken.

Left: This is after a day of sitting. I used the recipe above and added 5 drops of lemon eo and 5 drops of peppermint eo. I read that peppermint also thicken mixture. And also 1 teaspoon of salt water.
Right: only 10 drops of lemon eo and 3 teaspoon of salt water.

This is the right side. Seems to be thickening already.
To be updated on results after 2 days. :)
Update: it's strange but the first batch I used is very watery. I thought I did it wrongly and it's a failed experiment. And my hubby "threaten" to use back the normal chemical laden dish soap. While the first batch finished, I loaded it with the rest of the 2 containers that have 1 teaspoon and 3 teaspoon of salt each. Behold! The detergent that came out is actually slightly thick! Very strange because both was thin and watery. I'm thinking maybe both of them mixed to eventually get the correct ratio for thickening of dish soap! Anyways it's great news for me. Haha.
Hmm.. will experiment again and update here. :)
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Tuesday, April 11, 2017
I haven't been seeing 1111 in time for a Long Long time. But ever since I started to feel gratitude towards my hubby for taking up the load of sole breadwinner for my baby and I that these 2 consecutive days I started to see 1111 again.
And so strange because today I couldn't find my hp anywhere when I was about to feed my baby, but once I finally found it, it shows 1111! Very amazing how law of universe works!
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And so strange because today I couldn't find my hp anywhere when I was about to feed my baby, but once I finally found it, it shows 1111! Very amazing how law of universe works!
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Monday, April 03, 2017
Greek yogurt based honey mustard dressing - wow!
Today I was thinking of making salad since I have some apples and cabbage with me (you know, the KFC type). And I also have some leftover Greek yogurt from my baby small pot. I wanted to go downstairs and buy the normal kind of dressing since I only have sesame dressing. I even wore my hipseat ready to bring her down. But suddenly a thought strike me, why don't I use yogurt as base? Isn't it even healthier? They taste kind similar isn't it?
So I tried this recipe - honey mustard dressing w Greek yogurt. And OMG! It taste so good it literally blew me away!

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So I tried this recipe - honey mustard dressing w Greek yogurt. And OMG! It taste so good it literally blew me away!

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Monday, March 27, 2017
Changing my bottle cleaning liquid to organic ones
I read that even dish washing liquid can cause cancer because of the ingredients that are being used in it. Thus I have switched my dish washing liquid to Young Living Dish Wash. This can be used to wash baby bottles too! So right now I only have 1 bottle that washes everything! Neat! Smell is so heavenly too! :)
Now I no longer have to worry about our dishes absorbing the chemicals and going into our heated food! Likewise for my baby's milk bottles and ultensiles!

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Now I no longer have to worry about our dishes absorbing the chemicals and going into our heated food! Likewise for my baby's milk bottles and ultensiles!

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Saturday, March 25, 2017
Self treating my wart with essential oils
I'm using this concoction to try to see if the irritating wart on my right last finger can be treated.
8th Feb I started to put the oils on.
I started taking Inner Defence
1st day - 2 capsules
2nd day - 7 capsules
3rd day - 7 capsules
4th day - 7 capsules
Immune oil on spine and soles
5th day - 5 capsules
6th day - 5 capsules and immune power on spine and soles
7th day - 5 inner Defence caps and immune power on spine and sole and thieves capsules
Sorry I have been mia for a while. While testing my wart with Apple cider vinegar (with a cotton wool taped w bandaid whole night and possibly whole day long) , I found my wart, along with my skin that is surround it to swell and with small little bubbles around the entire swollen area. No wonder most of the testimonies I researched talked about protecting the healthy skin beside the wart. While it began to throb, like what the testimonies had said it would, I had a wound on the underside of my pinkie, due to the tape of the bandaid, constant taping and taking out of bandaid. I noticed the fabric bandaid if it's wet, it's very hard to tear off, and I could have tore it off in a rough way that hurt my pinkie. Sigh new wound means possibility of getting infected with paint her wart since it's so near. In the end, really blisters start coming out at the wound area, until now I'm not so sure if it's a wart or it's just swollen due to acv.
About a couple days into the acv testing, I read a couple of testimonies that talked about using Young Living oregano oil. And one mother said that she dropped one drop of oregano onto her 2 year old daughter plantar warts which covered the whole foot and they just faded until there was nothing in 3-5 weeks time. I should have done this way instead. So much easier than battling w the pain and possible infection from acv.
So I discontinued with acv and started my lavender and bandaid again for a day. This time round I am careful when peeling off bandaid and I put a small tissue where my wound is so the tape won't touch the area and stick to it. Then when my skin is not so painful, I used oregano for 1-2 days. Both lavender and oregano I dropped around 2-3 times a day in my bandaid and wound and I try to keep my bandaid as clean and dry as possible. But oregano starts to hurt too. And the 2nd day I dropped thieves in too. The 3rd day I noticed it started to turn darker. I think it might have been due to thieves as before I was using oregano, acv or lavender it did not turn dark at all. But once I drop 1 drop of thieves in the next day it was considerably darker. Now my wart is beginning to dry, but the skin around is already in blisters and infected possibly. I now put lavender solely on my wound around 2-3 times a day and keep my wound dry and clean. Hopefully it can heal soon and no more infection of warts. Will keep you guys posted on results.

I have already stopped using acv or oregano for a few weeks already as my skin is badly blistered. I put lavender and helichrysum whenever I can (around 3-4 drops a day) to the area and let it kinda dry before wrapping a tissue around it with some tape. I somehow have developed an allergy to bandaid and my skin was blistering (and Super itchy)! At the sticky part of handsaplast. Thus switched to tissue instead. Whenever it's wet I would just replace it with a new clean piece of tissue. It's been 2 weeks and my skin is healing very well with helichrysum. When I was putting lavender it healed but din heal as fast as helichrysum. U can see the effects of Helichrysum really fast. If I apply the night before sleep without any bandaid, the morning I would already see some healing had happened.

I continued to use helichrysum in the morning and after bath(2 times a day), and before sleep at night. It's healing process is amazing and really fast. It heals just like x10 if I use helichrysum. Lavender is good but helichrysum is like x10 effect. Now I only use lavender eo in the morning and helichrysum at night before sleep as my wound is really healing very well. As usual, I would change my bandage (just tissue and scotch tape around the tissue so it doesn't irritate my skin by having some tape over it) as soon as I can when it gets wet. I keep it as dry as much as I can and I believe this helps.

For now I think my wart has disappeared but I'm not so sure yet. Will update again in a months time (that's when it usually will appear and grow it's ugly head again).
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I'm using this concoction to try to see if the irritating wart on my right last finger can be treated.
8th Feb I started to put the oils on.
I started taking Inner Defence
1st day - 2 capsules
2nd day - 7 capsules
3rd day - 7 capsules
4th day - 7 capsules
Immune oil on spine and soles
5th day - 5 capsules
6th day - 5 capsules and immune power on spine and soles
7th day - 5 inner Defence caps and immune power on spine and sole and thieves capsules
Sorry I have been mia for a while. While testing my wart with Apple cider vinegar (with a cotton wool taped w bandaid whole night and possibly whole day long) , I found my wart, along with my skin that is surround it to swell and with small little bubbles around the entire swollen area. No wonder most of the testimonies I researched talked about protecting the healthy skin beside the wart. While it began to throb, like what the testimonies had said it would, I had a wound on the underside of my pinkie, due to the tape of the bandaid, constant taping and taking out of bandaid. I noticed the fabric bandaid if it's wet, it's very hard to tear off, and I could have tore it off in a rough way that hurt my pinkie. Sigh new wound means possibility of getting infected with paint her wart since it's so near. In the end, really blisters start coming out at the wound area, until now I'm not so sure if it's a wart or it's just swollen due to acv.
About a couple days into the acv testing, I read a couple of testimonies that talked about using Young Living oregano oil. And one mother said that she dropped one drop of oregano onto her 2 year old daughter plantar warts which covered the whole foot and they just faded until there was nothing in 3-5 weeks time. I should have done this way instead. So much easier than battling w the pain and possible infection from acv.
So I discontinued with acv and started my lavender and bandaid again for a day. This time round I am careful when peeling off bandaid and I put a small tissue where my wound is so the tape won't touch the area and stick to it. Then when my skin is not so painful, I used oregano for 1-2 days. Both lavender and oregano I dropped around 2-3 times a day in my bandaid and wound and I try to keep my bandaid as clean and dry as possible. But oregano starts to hurt too. And the 2nd day I dropped thieves in too. The 3rd day I noticed it started to turn darker. I think it might have been due to thieves as before I was using oregano, acv or lavender it did not turn dark at all. But once I drop 1 drop of thieves in the next day it was considerably darker. Now my wart is beginning to dry, but the skin around is already in blisters and infected possibly. I now put lavender solely on my wound around 2-3 times a day and keep my wound dry and clean. Hopefully it can heal soon and no more infection of warts. Will keep you guys posted on results.

I have already stopped using acv or oregano for a few weeks already as my skin is badly blistered. I put lavender and helichrysum whenever I can (around 3-4 drops a day) to the area and let it kinda dry before wrapping a tissue around it with some tape. I somehow have developed an allergy to bandaid and my skin was blistering (and Super itchy)! At the sticky part of handsaplast. Thus switched to tissue instead. Whenever it's wet I would just replace it with a new clean piece of tissue. It's been 2 weeks and my skin is healing very well with helichrysum. When I was putting lavender it healed but din heal as fast as helichrysum. U can see the effects of Helichrysum really fast. If I apply the night before sleep without any bandaid, the morning I would already see some healing had happened.

I continued to use helichrysum in the morning and after bath(2 times a day), and before sleep at night. It's healing process is amazing and really fast. It heals just like x10 if I use helichrysum. Lavender is good but helichrysum is like x10 effect. Now I only use lavender eo in the morning and helichrysum at night before sleep as my wound is really healing very well. As usual, I would change my bandage (just tissue and scotch tape around the tissue so it doesn't irritate my skin by having some tape over it) as soon as I can when it gets wet. I keep it as dry as much as I can and I believe this helps.

For now I think my wart has disappeared but I'm not so sure yet. Will update again in a months time (that's when it usually will appear and grow it's ugly head again).
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Thursday, March 23, 2017
Liberating a turtle
During the merit multiplier period I ask my sis and bro in law to liberate turtles together. And very strange I was drawn to this huge turtle. It's way out of my Budget. and after liberating it I saw a small Beetle at the side of my windscreen and as an animal totem it says this.
Essentially, the beetle animal totem suggests that you reap what you sow, threefold.
Essentially, the beetle animal totem suggests that you reap what you sow, threefold.
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Some candles need space to light up - should I be giving him space to grow?
Just now I was trying to lit up a candle on my altar, representing wisdom (light). And one of the candle won't light up, although it has a red end. The other candle lit up immediately. But I came back to the first candle that won't light up, and I tilted it to get it out from its container, and suddenly a small flame started.. then at that moment I realised that some candles wick is short, need space to light up. The action of tilting it burns the wax that was surrounding the wick and gave it the space that it needed to light up its fire.
Maybe I should give him some space so he can develop on his own.
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Maybe I should give him some space so he can develop on his own.
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Thursday, March 16, 2017
Treating my wart - internal remedy w inner Defence as part of it. - testimonials on warts treatment
My bandage for my pinky wart has been soaked in water since I was washing dishes and baby bottles all the time and it began to swell and small little clusters start forming at the side. Worried, I let it dried first.. and later on I read that I should keep it as dry and clean as possible (which was not what I was doing at all.) It was wet all the time and I only change my bandaid once a day at night!
Now that I have changed my tactics, I started with oregano oil neat instead. And it seems better.. but the whole thing is swollen now. Not sure if the wart is dying thou. I will continue with oregano and Apple cider vinegar.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone - testimonials on warts treatment
My bandage for my pinky wart has been soaked in water since I was washing dishes and baby bottles all the time and it began to swell and small little clusters start forming at the side. Worried, I let it dried first.. and later on I read that I should keep it as dry and clean as possible (which was not what I was doing at all.) It was wet all the time and I only change my bandaid once a day at night!
Now that I have changed my tactics, I started with oregano oil neat instead. And it seems better.. but the whole thing is swollen now. Not sure if the wart is dying thou. I will continue with oregano and Apple cider vinegar.
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Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Repeated messages of willingness to let change bring me to new heights
The other day My Friend intro an app of card. So I just causally asked what I can do for my highest good.
And it says I should be willing to let higher energy come into my life and change to higher purpose of life.. I was surprised to get this card.. coz it ask me to ask myself if I have any unwillingness to do something recently? I just started chanting amituofo.. and also help Shifu collectable a list of names for the sponsor lunch and dinner for 10,000 Buddha name chant session.
Today I saw a white Dove flying into a distance tree. It's really been a Long time since I seen a white Dove~~ so I searched for animal totem of white Dove.

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And it says I should be willing to let higher energy come into my life and change to higher purpose of life.. I was surprised to get this card.. coz it ask me to ask myself if I have any unwillingness to do something recently? I just started chanting amituofo.. and also help Shifu collectable a list of names for the sponsor lunch and dinner for 10,000 Buddha name chant session.
Today I saw a white Dove flying into a distance tree. It's really been a Long time since I seen a white Dove~~ so I searched for animal totem of white Dove.

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Monday, March 06, 2017
Chant Amituofo 500 a day
I just started chanting amituofo 500 a day. And it's only been a few days and I feel I have new insights suddenly.
I think chanting amituofo have its wisdom.
Just yesterday, my hubby and I have some disagreement. He got very angry at me for suggesting his parents stay with us. It's very strange because I want to help him connect with his parents as well as his Brother get $20k grant if he chooses to stay in Bishan. At first I was very angry and think why he doesn't appreciate my efforts for his family. Suddenly a thought came in. 报恩 and 讨债 is different. If 报恩 there will be appreciation. 讨债 will not have any appreciation and take things for granted.
I know with my hubby I'm returning a debt. So I realised that him giving me bad attitude and taking things for granted is very normal and that is the way it should be. And suddenly I am released from my anger that I usually have for 20 years of relationship with him.
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I think chanting amituofo have its wisdom.
Just yesterday, my hubby and I have some disagreement. He got very angry at me for suggesting his parents stay with us. It's very strange because I want to help him connect with his parents as well as his Brother get $20k grant if he chooses to stay in Bishan. At first I was very angry and think why he doesn't appreciate my efforts for his family. Suddenly a thought came in. 报恩 and 讨债 is different. If 报恩 there will be appreciation. 讨债 will not have any appreciation and take things for granted.
I know with my hubby I'm returning a debt. So I realised that him giving me bad attitude and taking things for granted is very normal and that is the way it should be. And suddenly I am released from my anger that I usually have for 20 years of relationship with him.
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