Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Racism - Yes or No?

Today I was having a msn conversation with a friend. And we were both talking about a part of Life of a Yogi book, which says,"It is scarcely possible for an Indian to pale, but Jitendra's face was suddenly sickly." Its really funny because Mukunda (the Master) is also indian. But he made funny comments and its very light hearted. It was very well-recieved by me and my friend, who both agree that saints are humorous and light-hearted.

As the conversation progress on more, my friend told me that one of her indian friends applied vaseline snow with positive effects, and Vaseline should have asked an indian to be the spokeswoman.

We continued further, that, however, perhaps due to racism issues, this will be prohibited.

Sometimes I think the differentiation is so much that everything becomes racism. And the result is the complete opposite of equality and the total opposite of what the anti-racism people were wanting to achieve. In the name of protesting we be equal, they actually made us 'different' in our minds. And I suppose they totally overlooked it and dunno what they (the anti-protestors) are doing.

I feel that by accepting that we look different, and embracing it, then we can be truly equal.

By thinking that different in physical outlooks is something of higher and lower inferiority, then makes us all unequal by our own private definitions of differentiation.

What is wrong with dark skin? Its just darker, thats all.
Nothing else. No good, no bad.

If everyone thinks this way, then truly, we are on our way to equality. :-)

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