Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Chanting for the wish and good will of everyone

I had my wedding this year January 2015. And as my HR told me, I have 3 days wedding leave to take for my wedding/vacation by one year's time. Naturally I was v happy and I saved the 3 days wedding leave and took one day annual leave for the day after my wedding. 

Fast forward to June, my HR suddenly tell me it's not correct to claim the wedding leave after the wedding. It would be considered as abuse of wedding leave. Fair enough, but feeling disappointed, I think.. Okay, just give me back my one day annual leave that I took right after my wedding. That would be considered as rightful use of wedding leave right? 

After several months of dily daly, I keep asking my HR for advice, and was this morning told that most likely they won't give me back my one day annual leave. Finally feeling pissed off, because it's only one day annual leave, I started to complain to my HR that I'm feeling pissed off and that I'm angry that the Japan side took so long to come to a decision. And it's so simple to give me back my one day AL but they made the process so long and draggy. In the meantime, I thought about my extra 2 months unpaid leave that I wanted to take after my maternity leave. Afraid that it would affect it, I started to let go, and think it's more impt for my 2 months unpaid to be approved. My HR reassured me that it will not affect that and that she will speak to our HR head. Suddenly I remembered that Lervander told me to chant for everyone's well wishes and everything to proceed smoothly, so I turned on Green Tara's chant and begin to dedicate the chant to those who will be in charge of my requests and chant for their well being. I sincerely wish that this one day AL problem will not bring trouble to everyone and make everyone unhappy. After all it's just one day's leave.. I rather see everyone be happy instead. I begin to relax and see the light of the problem. It's really quite funny, when my HR told me that I can still take my wedding leave, providing I can link it to my wedding still. I'm like... 他们在赠我huh? How to link to my wedding when it's already gone for almost a year?? Hahahaa I can't stop laughing. The whole situation suddenly felt very funny to me. Within mins, My HR called me and told me they approved to give me back my one day annual leave because I made noise. 

Wow! It's that effective!! Sincere chanting really bring about results that's almost instantaneous! Amazing! 

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