Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Time, Space and Karma

The other day I was listening to a dharma disc by a guy. And he mentioned something that kinda blew my mind away.

He said that all karmic actions - results happens at an instant.
Meaning that karmic actions and results happen instantly.

So I thought: "Is that true?? If so, then why do we see it at different times?"

This guy said that actually time and spaces doesn't exists. What made it exists is actually our 烦恼,分别 and 执着。 Which means, our worries, differentiation and attachment caused us to have an illusion that there is time and space. Wow. This is good! 好东西~!Lol.

For example, if I inject a needle in my arm, I will feel the pain almost immediately. This shows us there is cause and effect in action (karmic action).

If I inject a needle into someone else's arm, I'll probably would not feel pain right?
So how come he says that karmic actions and results are an instant?

Actually we will feel pain (karmic result) from the other person sooner or later. As its delayed by our worries, differentiation and attachment, which manifest as time and space, when the result happens, we cannot connect the result with the cause before. And thus we remain confused about what triggered such a result! What a confused way to live!

But if one is with all as one body, he/she will feel the pain immediately.
Just like how the Buddha always have compassion for the sentient beings, as he feel the pain the sentient beings go through.

That explains why an arahat, someone who has gained enlightenment and no longer bounded by the six realms and birth and death cycle, doesn't create anymore karma. Because he no longer has attachment, and sees karmic results in an instant. To an arahat, time and space is no longer there. And thus he can see 500 past lifetimes of a person as stated in the scriptures. All these information when pieced together makes absolute sense!

I'm in constant awed of the teachings of Buddha. I'm at the tippest tip of an iceberg.

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