Friday, April 11, 2014

The Essence of Bhagavad Gita

I just finished this book. The most I remember is how it describe the swattic, rajasic, and tamasic characters. We are all mixtures of these 3 gunas. 

Swattic have good behaviors, big heart, compassionate. And the food it attracts are mostly raw, vegetarian food, clean and healthy food.

Rajasic have moral behaviors that are more link to sensual feelings and behave more like businessman, as in, what advantage will one have if he/she does this? The food they attract are those strong, pungent, spicy, lamb, fish and fowl.

Tamasic have outright evil behaviors and encourage others to do evil acts and enjoy the process. The food one is attracted here is those rancid, dirty/unclean food, including those of pork, beef, insects and such.

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