Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Book review - Making your first Million - Micheal Leong

This is is basically a fundamental value investing book. I learn some trading philosophy from him.
He started up ShareInvestment and subsequently sold it off to SPH, making good profits on selling the biz.

His experience in the investment field is much likely to be anamoured, as he did achieve success in this investment.

However, there is one point where I still struggle to accept, is that there are not only buying, but also selling as well. Maybe my stocks hasnt trigger the selling points yet, so I do not have the feeling of selling at all.

But I often wonder, if I don't sell at all, and ride out the economic crisis, then I will not be able to capitalise on the fall of the stock market. Though I will still be buying in. This is one scenario that I always ponder and haven't yet find a solution about. Hmmm...

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