Friday, November 22, 2013

It's there so that we can

As I was reading Bhagavad Gita, abt the song as a soul, fighting to release form maya (delusion) suddenly I had the thought that every lesson comes in our life to train us to be liberated. Even including maya. For without maya (delusion) we would not have the chance to learn to grow spiritually. Thus, in all hardships or sufferings it may seem, it's only because we needed it. Like how a lustful person has the karma of going into hell and suffer for his deeds, it's because his energy/mind needed this. It's to cleanse and purify his true nature. Without which, he would continue and would not have to chance to leave the lustful trait, which is not his true nature. So from a high point of view if it's not for cleansing our true nature and our attachments, the events would not manifest. 

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