Friday, September 18, 2015

Teal Swan and picking up others energy

While I was listening to her YouTube about her workshop, there was a case where the guy is an empath and physic, and Teal Swan was too. Initially I was envious of them both having such strong reception towards other people's feelings. And thinking how an asshole I was to totally ignore and offend ppl around me all the time. But I suddenly realised that I have been picking up people's vibrations as well. I'm not like them where I'm directly receptive and recieving them clearly, but I pick up on people vulnerabilities, and I usually don't know how to react. I just realised that my habitual way denying pain is to cover up with anger. So I lashe out at them, telling them to do it a certain way. Of coz, that always backfires. Ya.. We all know that right? 

Like recently my batch girls and I have a pretty serious conversation on the sg general election. And one of my batch girl was complaining the hell out of our govt continuously for 3 days.. And I got really frustrated and said how complaining makes one a victim and vulnerable. Honestly I can't stand hearing a victim continuously complaining. And I react in anger. I guess everyone has different way to handling things.. Anger is more like my habitual reaction. And it comes from my family and I know it. 

And of coz she din recieve it well. After wards, I felt terrible. But also indignant. But suddenly while watching Teal Swan's workshop, I realised that I was clearly picking up on her pain and victim mode, and I just decided to give her advice without her wanting it. Wow. I tot I was being an asshole. Clearly I don't know how to execute it in a way where it's recieved well. Perhaps I really need to chant more om mani padme hung to have more loving kindness. 

This is the YouTube link: 

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