Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Life of a Yogi - God! God! God!

Years sped by. I lectured in every part of my new land, and addressed hundreds of clubs, colleges, churches,
and groups of every denomination. Tens of thousands of Americans received yoga initiation. To them all I
dedicated a new book of prayer thoughts in 1929−WHISPERS FROM ETERNITY, with a preface by Amelita
Galli−Curci. {FN37−6} I give here, from the book, a poem entitled “God! God! God!”, composed one night
as I stood on a lecture platform:
From the depths of slumber,
As I ascend the spiral stairway of wakefulness,
I whisper:
God! God! God!
Thou art the food, and when I break my fast
Of nightly separation from Thee,
I taste Thee, and mentally say:
God! God! God!
No matter where I go, the spotlight of my mind
Ever keeps turning on Thee;
And in the battle din of activity
My silent war cry is ever: God! God! God!
When boisterous storms of trials shriek,
And when worries howl at me,
I drown their clamor, loudly chanting:
God! God! God!
When my mind weaves dreams
With threads of memories,
Then on that magic cloth I find embossed:
God! God! God!
Every night, in time of deepest sleep,
My peace dreams and calls, Joy! Joy! Joy!
And my joy comes singing evermore:
God! God! God!
In waking, eating, working, dreaming, sleeping,
Serving, meditating, chanting, divinely loving,
My soul constantly hums, unheard by any:
God! God! God!

When I reread this part again... I got a shock! I realised that this has much deeper meaning then just complimenting God! Its actually SAMAHDI where the mind is constantly thinking about reunion with God. Or is already union with God. Its like when they ask us to chant Amituofo, and there was a case where a lady was confirmed attained Samahdi where she already 24 hrs is focused on Amituofo.

This is a SAMAHDI stage!

P.S. This is just my analyzation. LOL not sure if its correct. But this is just how my feeling of this passage is. :)

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