Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Poem - Their Sufferings

I just dig out a piece of paper that I wrote long time ago. When I was around 24 years old?
Brings back memories and how my thinking was back then.

Their Sufferings

I do not know of his heart
I do not know of the universe

What are we?
The little dots on earth
Conquering the whole world
Wiping out species that we don't like

But humans are still suffering
We know of too much leisure to give it up
Too much play to accept suffering
Too much selfishness to help someone out
With our heart and soul

Have we turn to the worse instead with all this luxury
Like a sucker asking for more when its already got enough
A never ending quest for more possessions
When one has already too much for even the whole city

A little extra from the richer
A little spare from the comfortable
To help the poor and needy
Not even lifting a finger to help
Is it too much to ask?

The darkness in the greed devours every one of our soul
Leaving with loneliness with money filling up our hearts
Empty of love and kindness
And I cried knowingly
As the darkness slowly creep up within me

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