Thursday, October 22, 2015

Vibrational match

"The vibration must be a match to do certain activities, engage with another person, or listen to certain music."

That's what came to my mind just now. When I was thinking of how my feelings guided me to share the link with Hailey about What Sweeter Music by John Gutter. And Hailey liked it and actually told me she will try and get her church choir to sing this song at the end of the year! Whereas in the morning I shared the link with my batch girls and both of them refused to open the link even! Haha. The vibrations are so vastly different. I guess when one watches and observes the reactions and own's feelings of guidance, one is better equipped as to when is appropriate to share certain things. In the beginning of my path it was difficult because I did not know who to share with and how. So there was a lot of obstacles and of coz my karmic blocks. Now that everything is slightly, just slightly clearer, I can see more aptly who, how, what, when to share certain stuff and how to let go when it doesn't vibrate with the other party. It's much easier and gentler to both sides. As no one like to be forced by other people's opinions. :) 

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