Wednesday, November 11, 2015

1619 on 11/11/2015

Recently I had a dream of someone telling me about 1619. And I bought 4d 1619 and 1916 for it. The day I forgot to buy 1916 came out! And today I'm here for my gynae check and I got the number 1619! 

So since it keep repeating in my life, I decided to search for it in angel numbers.

"Angel Number 1619 is a message from your angels that you are to take action towards serving your Divine life purpose. Your angels ask that you release any fears and anxieties and get on with living your passion and purpose today. It is your right to be a powerful being so use your personal power in loving ways that benefit yourself and others. Listen to your intuitive messages and take positive action in the direction of your soul calling. Your angels will ensure that you are provided with all that you will need along your path.  

Angel Number 1619 is a prompt to get on with important aspects of your life as it is time for you to detach yourself from your old and outdated ideas and items and ‘let go’ and ‘release the old’.  It is a message that assures you that whatever leaves your life at this time will be replaced with ‘new’ and ‘better’.  Be open to receiving all that you deserve as you are ready for an upgrade in your life. 

Angel Number 1619 is a message from your angels to trust that the most suited and appropriate career choice, hobby or interest will present in your life, and your angels encourage you to take up the opportunity. 

Angel Number 1619 can also suggest that you are at the end of a phase or cycle in your life.  Call upon your angels to comfort and guide you towards your next step. Happiness and fulfilment await you with ‘new’ about to enter your life.

Your intuition connects you to angel and spirit energy, and guidance is available to you as soon as you ask for it."

I keep having repeated message that I will soon be serving people as a healer, and that I will be provided for such purpose in my life. If it really comes true I will be really happy, as I personally feel this is really my soul's divine purpose. Just that I'm lost and not confident enough for it. 

But interestingly, earlier today I met my sis for lunch at j8 as she is very kind to bring me around to see what I have lack for our baby Tara. And so happened I had a dream the night before about Kayden and his fears. I can't remember what the dream was about, but I can remember the message very very clearly. Is that, "The only way to change fear, is through love." For example, his fear of washing machine, the only way to remove this fear is by showing him to love the washing machine itself. Very strange. As I never have any dreams about Kayden before. And it feels like it's really a intended message for Kayden specifically from the angels. :) I'm glad I get to be the messanger! 

1619 is also associated number 8.

And lead me to this website about angel channeling:

"Our angels’ insights and revelations can come to us through a vision whilst daydreaming, dreaming while sleeping, and just upon waking from a dream. Channeling messages from the angels is a direct route to angelic inspiration and insight."


Unknown said...

I see this numbers too recently👍

Unknown said...

I see this numbers too recently👍

Unknown said...

I see these numbers too more and more and 47

Daniela said...

Absolutely beautiful. The message posted is helping many — including myself. Recently I have been leading from the heart. If you ever want to connect my email is // IG: daniiheart

Much love to you.
