Monday, November 09, 2015

Important life changes

I have been reading Angel Therapy Handbook and the last part is about changing career to a holistic one, a healer. Which is what I really want. To do something that has big contribution to society, even if it's little bit by little bit. And this morning while offering incense u was asking for signs and guidance if really that was to happen. Because I have no confidence at all. Who will come for spiritual guidance?? I can't even have peace with my batch girls. Haha. 

And later we went for early lunch and we got the number 7555. Another 555!

I have been seeing a lot of 555, which signifies big changes in my life. And with a "7" in front.. Hmm... I feel it's really an affirmation sign for me from Buddhas and Boddhisatvas. If it's really gonna happen, I will be really happy! :))

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